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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
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Atterbury-Muscatatuck focus on SOF

  • Atterbury-Muscatatuck provides world class facilities (capabilities and capacity) to Special Operations Forces, as the best value solution for Live, Virtual, and Constructive Training, Testing, and Evaluation.

  • A-M is uniquely suited to Pre-Mission Training (PMT) and Task Force Training (TFT) for deploying SOF forces.  Currently, several SOF organizations use A-M for short-notice PMTs, OPTs, and FMPs due to our flexibility and understanding/prioritization of SOF training objectives.
  • A-M offers realistic, professionally administered facilities,discreetly located, for the SOF organization to fulfill specified and unique training requirements.  MUTC is a unique Advanced Urban Training Facility with myriad venues that can be adapted to replicate the most complex and dynamic environments in which SOF forces may operate. 
  • Everything on the MUTC campus is “in play”, and the infrastructure comprises a real, operating city, with the ability to replicate the Electro-Magnetic Environment (EME) from any global area of interest; A-M will challenge operators from individual to Task-Force level. 
  • A-M strives to maintain adaptive relevance, derived from user feedback specifically tailored to the contemporary operating environment of our SOF customers.  MUTC offers the SOF community a clean canvas on which to create a unique, diverse, and complex training environment. 

  • Drop zones, landing zones and airfields all within close proximity to Atterbury-Muscatatuck are easily incorporated into urban or rural exercises.
  • Considering the maneuver and range capacity of the A-M complex, the truly unique environment of MUTC, airspace capacity, JIIM diversity, distinctive EME/Cyber capabilities, and military friendly atmosphere of the Midwestern region, A-M offers an ideal best-value solution to locate a SOF Pre-Mission Training site Program of Record, with regular and persistent throughput.


To speak with one of our SOF strategic team SME's and schedule a visit call 1-317-247-3300 x 61528 or x 62229.
Printer-friendly document (pdf).

Page last modified / updated: Monday, October 24, 2016 at 3:49 PM EST