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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
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Urban Operations

  1. Urban Assault Course Range 51

    Urban Assault Course Range 51


    • M14/16*
    • M203*
    • M249
    • M240
    • Sniper Weapons (7.62mm)

    *May use 5.56 ball and TP rounds on Grenadier Trainer Station.
    Only blank at all other stations and other weapon systems.

    Courses of Fire:

    • Train and test individuals, teams, squads, and/or platoons on individual and collective tasks associated with military operation in urban terrain (MOUT)
    • Tm/Squad LFX on Urban Facade
    • Grenadier Trainer LFX
    • Reflexive Fire & Close Quarters marksmanship

    Key Features:

    • Individual Team Task Trainer
      1-story structure w/3 adjoining rooms
    • Squad/Platoon Trainer
      4 separate structures facing each other to create urban street or hallway includes 2-story building
    • Grenadier Trainer
      Building facade w/moving human targets combined w/4 target pits
    • Offense/Defense Building
      2-story building w/basement.
      Each floor has several rooms with many windows, doorways, loopholes, and mouse-holes.
      Gabled roof has windows and hatch to attic.
    • Half of rooftop is flat. Has exterior stairways.
    • Underground Trainer
      Sewer system built in leg pattern w/4 manhole covers.  2 access tunnels lead from outside tunnel to underground loop.


  2. Mobile MOUT Site Range 55

    Mobile MOUT Site Range 55



    • M9
    • M4/16
    • M249
    • M240
    • Blank Fire Only & Limited Pyro

    Courses of Fire:

    • Clearing Procedures
    • Urban Ops Collective Tasks

    Key Features:

    • Indoor AAR Facility
    • Strategically placed cameras for video playback
    • DVD take home packet
    • 2-story structures and a basement
  3. Shoothouse Range 57

    Shoothouse Range 57


    • M9/1911, other pistols
    • M4/M16
    • NO PYRO

    Courses of Fire:

    • Building clearing tasks associated with urban areas
      (Dry, Blank, Live)
    • Individual and collective tasks of building clearing/occupying

    Key Features:

    • 360-degree fire capability, fully contained
    • Video capture - day/night
    • After Action Review Facility with video replay
    • DVD tak-home package of all recorded training
    • Two-way communication
    • 8 rooms, 1 corridor, 2700 sf with multiple entry points
    • Train up to a squad size element per iteration
    • Non-ballistic breaching tasks
    • Multiple training scenarios
  4. Live Fire Breach Facility Range 58

    Live Fire Breach Facility Range 58


    • Up to 0.66 lbs of explosives
      (C4, det cord, etc.) per shot
    • Mechnical breaching devices
    • Shotguns with breaching rounds

    Courses of Fire:

    • Breaching tasks associated with urban areas
    • Breach-hardened structures
    • Breech door, windows and walls

    Key Features:

    • Three lanes (one for each obstacle)
    • Easily accessible to UAC, Mobile MOUT site and Shoothouse

Page last modified / updated: Monday, October 24, 2016 at 3:49 PM EST