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Hello, November!

 Posted by on November 13, 2013 at 15:50
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Greetings, Blog Brigade readers! November is in full swing and the holidays are just around the corner. This month’s theme is Military Family Appreciation. We have some great blogs coming your way about marriage, parenting and appreciating military life, to name a few.

Letter of Thanks Contest

We are also excited to announce the Military OneSource Featured Pinner Contest! November is the time of year for turkey, green bean casserole and pecan pie. However, more important than the delicious food and amazing scents is the importance of Thanksgiving, where we all sit down and remember to be thankful for the people and blessings in our lives. At this time of year, there is no better reason to send a big thank you to some of the people that truly deserve thanks – our military.

Blog Brigade readers and Military OneSource Facebook fans are invited to write a letter of thanks to their service member for a chance to “publicly thank them” here on the blog and the Military OneSource Pinterest site. Be sure to include a photo of the service member you are thanking, so we can all have the chance to thank him or her as well!

Here is how the contest works:

  • Blog Brigade and Military OneSource fans upload a special letter of thanks and a photo of the service member they are thanking via the Facebook page.
  • Winning photos will become featured pins on the Military OneSource Pinterest page. Each pin will link to the corresponding letter and be featured on the Blog Brigade throughout the month of November.

Thanksgiving is the best time of year to reach out and thank the special service member in your life, so make sure to sit down, start writing and thank a service member today! To enter the contest, visit the Military OneSource Facebook page (or link directly to the contest here).

Also, please note: We are now accepting blogs for the month of December! Military spouses are free to write about any topic they choose, or they can stick to the theme of “Planning for the Future.” Look out for blogging prompts on the Military OneSource Facebook page throughout the month!

The Blog Brigade Team

All materials copyright Military OneSource, 2012. Blog content held jointly by writer and Military OneSource, with shared rights to republish with appropriate attribution.