Fuel Cell Demo

CERDEC reduces risk and expedites the delivery of advanced capabilities. Its engineers draw from a number of business and contractual agreements that facilitate the exchange of information, evaluation of candidate technologies and establishment of partnerships for technology development.

It's CERDEC's role to find solutions and deliver capabilities for the Soldier that span the entire domain of C4ISR networks and systems – regardless of platform. To do that, CERDEC's scientists and engineers leverage their expertise and an infrastructure of advanced laboratories and facilities to develop those solutions in-house or to collaborate with a wide range of expert partners in government, industry and academia - foreign and domestic - that offer promising technologies.

CERDEC participates in the government’s Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs. Technology Transfer is the intentional communication of knowledge, expertise, facilities and equipment, and other resources for application to military and non-military systems. It includes spin-off, spin-on and dual-use technologies.

Small Business Innovative Research, Small Business Technology Transfer, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, and Patent License Agreements are all examples of Technology Transfer.

Want to learn more or have questions about doing business with CERDEC? Contact us.

According to the SBIR/STTR website, "the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive program that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) that has the potential for commercialization," and "the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) is another program that expands funding opportunities in the federal innovation research and development (R&D) arena." More information about applying can be found on the SBIR/STTR website.

A CRADA is a legal agreement between a Federal laboratory and a non-Federal party to conduct specified research or development efforts that are consistent with the missions of the Federal laboratory. A CRADA is an excellent mechanism for transferring commercially useful technologies from Federal laboratories to the private sector by establishing partnerships with industry and academia to leverage expertise and facilities.

Defense Department laboratories may make available to any person or entity (including universities), on a reimbursable basis, laboratory services for the testing of materials, equipment, models, computer software, and other items.

A Patent License Agreement is a written agreement between a federal laboratory and a non-federal party to provide a level of rights/ownership in an Army Invention.