C4ISR Enterprise Support

CERDEC provides acquisition and sustainment support, program leadership, specialty engineering expertise, integration and testing services, and certification and accreditation for Army C4ISR organizations and systems.

CERDEC engineers go beyond initial research and development of C4ISR technologies, systems and networks. Even after the Army deploys a system, there is a need to ensure technical expertise is on hand to address changes and challenges that arise as operational use evolves.

CERDEC works very closely with the Communications-Electronics Command, Program Executive Offices for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T), Information, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) and others. CERDEC engineers assigned to these organizations provide a technical subject matter expertise and an engineering perspective throughout program lifecycles.

Acquisition and Sustainment – As the threat changes or the effectiveness of fielded C4ISR technologies decline, the Army turns to its science and technology community to adapt, modify or bridge capabilities to ensure continuity and mission effectiveness. CERDEC understands the dynamic nature of advancements in information sciences and provides embedded support and technical guidance to Army Team C4ISR organizations to anticipate and engineer technology fixes and upgrades.

Specialty Engineering and Leadership – Specialty engineering aims to reduce risks and increase engineering efficiency and effectiveness in the areas of cost, schedule, delivery, and system and equipment reliability. CERDEC provides the defense acquisition community with both engineering support and technical leadership in specialty engineering functions.

C4ISR Platform Prototyping, Integrating and Testing – C4ISR technology must work as designed when hardened for war, interoperable and compatible within other interdependent systems, appropriately powered and cooled, properly mounted for use, and developed to avoid communications interference. CERDEC provides prototyping, fabrication, integration, environmental and electromagnetic interference testing, and field-based risk reduction support for C4ISR systems in order to ensure that engineering models meet these needs.

Certification and Accreditation – In order for the Army to use systems, the systems must meet strict certification and accreditation requirements set forth by the Army. Numerous organizations within CERDEC have the authority to certify and accredit various Army systems and technologies.