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Staff Blogger Dani


  2 Responses to “Staff Blogger Dani”

  1. I read your blog about long-distance relationships on a budget. I am new to the military life and new to blogs! I reconnected with a very dear friend from high school a year and a half ago and we have been together since. He has been in the Army for 12 + years. He is going to deploy soon to Afghanistan. This will be his 3rd deployment (4th if you include Korea). It will be my and my children’s 1st. He is stationed at Ft. Riley, Kansas, and I live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We have the weekend visits figured out. 🙂 I don’t have the whole deployment figured out yet. I have read every blog I can find and lots of other articles and sites. I have found invaluable information for spouses, but I am not a spouse and I don’t live near other Military spouses. I am feeling a little alone in this right now. I don’t want to voice these concerns to him. Any advice you could send my direction would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you and keep up all the wonderful writing and advice!

  2. Thank you for the sweet comment, Stacy! I emailed you & also sent the link to my personal blog. Take care! 🙂

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