CERDEC's Space and Terrestrial Communications Directorate develops and integrates the technology and architectures that enable and secure tactical networks as well as hand-held and platform-mounted Soldier communications for terrestrial and satellite-based systems.

In today's changing operational environment, Soldiers depend on secure and robust networks for reliable connectivity and communications.

As the Army’s leader in communications and networking research and development, CERDEC’s Space and Terrestrial Communications Directorate adopts, adapts and develops emerging technologies to provide secure, tactical communications support to the Soldier. The directorate develops secure, hand-held and platform-mounted Soldier communications including terrestrial and satellite-based systems.

S&TCD’s engineering and investment strategy provides technical solutions for the Soldier to perform uninterrupted communications, defensive cyber, and networking to improve maneuver and expeditionary operations.

S&TCD leverages its technical expertise, robust systems engineering infrastructure and broad network of government and industry partners to provide assured results and strategic insight that enable informed acquisition decisions.

Tactical and Strategic Networks

CERDEC S&TCD leads technology development in areas such as anti-jam, signal processing and resilient networking techniques that support the Army’s need to operate in a contested, congested and competitive environment.

  • Provides Soldiers a network foundation for achieving mission command, assured and uninterrupted communications, and information links across a multi-domain architecture

CERDEC S&TCD leads technology development that provides interoperable, robust, reliable, scalable and efficient networking capabilities to connect mobile expeditionary forces.

  • Enables the Army’s use of the network to achieve strategic objectives such as deploying and transitioning task-organized combined arms forces rapidly and conducting operations of sufficient scale and ample duration

Cyberspace Operations

CERDEC S&TCD is the Army’s technical authority ensuring the availability, connectivity and security of mission critical information in the face of information warfare attacks and unintentional network disruptions.

  • Develops tools and techniques that enable efficient models of friendly, neutral and adversarial behaviors to provide the commander with complete situational awareness to make actionable decisions
  • Maintains Soldier confidence in network information and resources while enabling a self-defending network to absorb, fight through and adapt to adversary attacks

CERDEC S&TCD advances the Army, Joint and Coalition communications infrastructure by blending systems engineering techniques to provide timely, effective and integrated system architectures that inform network designs for advancing future communications technology.

S&TCD provides the foundation for a rigorous, streamlined technology maturation and verification process. It leverages system-of-systems, or SoS, modeling and simulation, lab-based SoS technology risk reduction, and field-based experimentation.

S&TCD integrates enabling infrastructure components to provide early technology analysis, initial technology integration and maturation assessments, and operationally relevant field-based technology evaluations.