After Duty Hours Emergency Problems and
Troubleshooting for Housing Issues

1. The Housing Office has coupled with the Director of Emergency Services in order to provide support for residents of housing during non-duty time hours. If it is an emergency please call the Military Police Duty Desk at DSN 633-7575 or 050-54-7575 from a commercial phone/cellular phone.

2. The service is to be used only for a bon-a-fide emergency that may require additional help. An inconvenience is not considered an emergency. Some forms of acceptable inconvenience are mentioned below and the proper "troubleshooting" is explained. Please check before calling in for emergency assistance at the Camp Darby MP Duty Desk. Also please check your Housing CD for troubleshooting procedures and check additional help on this web site. If you do not have your CD please stop by Housing and obtain a free copy of it.

No Electricity:

a. If the electricity is not available in your neighborhood also – not just your residence - it means that the power company may have temporarly suspended the service for maintenance or that the power is unavailable due to a general failure (e.g. thunderstorm or accident).  If power is out in your area, the only help the MP Desk Sergeant may provide to you is to call the power company to confirm that they are aware of the issue and that the problem is under their attention for resolution. Unfortunately no additional help may be provided being the issue outside the control of the Housing Office.

b. Circuit breaker shuts down.

1. Please try do not use high power consumption devices at the same time such as a washer and a dryer: the failure may be caused by the fact that you have been exceeding the limits of your power line contract.

2. Disconnect from the power line the last device that you have used (i.e. PC, washer, etc.), then turn on the main circuit breaker.

3. If you have just replaced a light bulb please make sure you that it is fully engaged so that the bottom contact fits perfectly in the fixture contact. A loose connection in the lamp holder can cause bulbs to blow and can burn out the light fixture. At the same time please make sure to do not over tightening the bulb and break the glass or internal contacts.

4. If you have a street side circuit breaker outside your home, please check it and ensure it is not off. In general there are two circuit panels for a residence, one inside and one outside by the sidewalk. Check both electric panel panels to see if electricity can be restored, before you call for assistance.

No Hot Water or Heating:

a. In case of a lack of hot water and/or heat, please check if any switch may have been turned off by mistake. Please, before calling the Military Police Duty Desk, ensure that:

For Heat: Check if the water pressure gauge lever is positioned between 1 and 2. If it is below 1, there is not enough water in the system. Please turn the refilling knob generally positioned underneath the unit and make sure to allow enough water in the system until the gauge needle is between 1 and 2. Turn the knob off to stop the flow of water into the system. If there was not enough water in the system, you may have to remove air off the system also by openining and let air out until until a steady stream of water comes out of it (please have on hand a container to catch the water that might be oily). You may need to repeat this action often to release air from the system. Always replenish the water you remove from a system to reach equilibrium between 1 and 2 on the furnace pressure gauge.

For Hot Water: Check if the filters at faucets are free of calcium and/or other mineral deposits.  If the filters are clogged by calcium and mineral sediments the water heating system sensors won’t allow the heater to produce hot water. Unscrew and remove the filters from the faucets. Clean them by removing the deposits without damaging the filters. Put them in place and try to restart the heating system.

Refrigerator Inoperative:

a. In case your refrigerator is not working, please check the power socket to verify if the problem is caused by a short circuit. If the refrigerator is actually broken and it had stopped working on Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday, please call the MP Desk Sergeant and he/she will coordinate for you to pick up a temporary 5 cubic foot capacity small refrigerator to assist you and/or your family through the weekend. If you have received a temporary refrigerator, please ensure to call the CFMO at 633-7882 to coordinate for the appliance contractor to provide either repair or replacement service.  The refrigerator issued for the emergency will be picked up by the CFMO personnel and/or contractor. Please notice that it must be cleaned first and returned to the Housing Office in the condition as it was received.

Carbon Monoxide & Smoke Alarm System Malfunctions:

a. If the Carbon Monoxide or Smoke Alarm sounds a tone every few minutes, check to see if the battery back-up (usually a 9 volt battery) needs to be replaced. If it sounds continuously, check to see if there is a shut off switch to shut the alarm switch down. In this way it should stop sounding. If the alarm or the detector continues to make noise, please call the Military Police for the emergency.  If the Carbon Monoxide detector is sounding, first open windows to ensure that it is not an actual alarm reading – then check for apparent sources of flame producing devices or equipment that could produce exhaust fumes and shut them down before attempting to silence the alarm.  For Smoke Detectors ensure that there is no apparent cause for the alarm to be sounding before attempting to silence the alarm.

3.   DPW personnel in ’On-Call’ status, and the private vendors involved in responding to emergency calls are all paid with U.S. Government resources, to assist the U.S. Families when an emergency warrants action.  As good stewards of government resources everyone is required to be conscientious when requesting emergency ‘On-Call’ service only when a bon-a-fide emergency exists. Please do not call as an emergency when the situation can wait for the next duty day or is only an inconvenience or minor problem that does not risk life, health, safety, or further loss.  Telephone and internet loss of service fall into this category.

4.  In case of an unnecessary Emergency Call that proves to be a simple inconvenience, Chief, Housing Division may determine the call as neglect and the service cost may be charged through the Cash Collection Voucher process to the Customer. You will be offered an opportunity to explain the situation and will be advised of your next course of action, which may be to appeal through your command chain.  Repeated lockouts from a residence or barracks room or negligent behavior that causes an emergency will be assessed in the same manner as an “unnecessary” emergency.