Contact Information

Area Code: 912
Construction Contracts: 767-8472
Existing Service Contracts: 767-2448
General Information: 767-8420
Government Purchase Card Program: 767-8439
New Service Contracts: 767-8460
Supply Type Requirements: 767-2962

Vendor Pay Inquiry System

There is a new method available to check on payment status from DFAS-Rome. VPIS IS A FREE SERVICE AND DOES NOT REQUIRE A PASSWORD. It is a user friendly method of seeing your organization or company's payment record. This site will provide information on invoices submitted for payment by DFAS-Rome. All payments made in the past 90 days will be visible.

You may use VPIS to research the status of a recently filed invoice; determine when payment will be issued; determine if something is lacking for payment processing; obtain information associated with a check or electronic funds transfer (EFT) received; view contract number, invoices covered, interest or freight included with the payment, or tax or discounts withheld.

Inquiries can be made by contract number, EFT trace number, check number, CAGE code or DUNS number. Step-by-step instructions for performing VPIS queries are included on the web site and can be found at This information is provided by guidance from "The Money Talk" a quarterly DFAS Rome Customer newsletter. The information is obtainable at your convenience (24 hours per day, 7 days per week)at the web site.