Contact Information

Area Code: 912
Construction Contracts: 767-8472
Existing Service Contracts: 767-2448
General Information: 767-8420
Government Purchase Card Program: 767-8439
New Service Contracts: 767-8460
Supply Type Requirements: 767-2962

Seminars Available to Local Businesses

Seminars and other opportunities for businesses wishing to do business with the goverment.

The Georgia Tech Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) consultation program in conjunction with OSHA's Atlanta East, West, and Savannah Area offices are sponsoring free half-day and one day seminars for general industry safety. All of the seminars are designed for small to mid-sized companies. These seminars will be held at the Georgia Coastal Center Building, 305 Fahm Street in downtown Savannah.

For more information and to register, please call Diane Knobloch at (404) 894-2646