
Also referred to as telecommuting, flexiwork, and flexiplace, telework is an alternative work arrangement that permits eligible employees to perform officially assigned duties at an alternative worksite. An alternative worksite is a place away from the traditional worksite (the traditional worksite being where the employee would work absent a telework arrangement) that has been approved for the performance of officially assigned duties. It may be the employee�s home or other pre-approved worksite.

DoD offers two types of telework arrangements:

Ad hoc/situational telework is approved telework performed at an alternative worksite on an occasional or irregular basis. Telework of less than one day per pay period is considered ad hoc.

Regular and recurring telework is an approved work schedule where employees eligible to telework will work at least one day per biweekly pay period at an alternative worksite. It may also include �full time� telework (such as performing all official duties at an alternative worksite), including telework from a geographic location outside of the commuting area.

Work suitable for telework depends on job content rather than job title, type of appointment, or work schedule. Some positions e.g., entry level, trainee, and probationary status employees are not suitable for long-term telework arrangements. Other positions ineligible for telework may include employees who handle secure materials or special equipment, or employees assigned to national security or intelligence positions. Positions that require daily access to classified information, or require the employee to have daily face-to-face contact with the supervisor, colleagues, clients, or the general public are generally not eligible for telework.

A telework arrangement does not alter the terms and conditions of the appointment, including the salary, benefits, individual rights, or obligations. All pay, leave, and travel entitlements are based on the official duty station. It may alter the official duty station if the employee does not spend at least two days per pay period, on a regular and recurring basis, at the traditional worksite. Where an employee teleworks full-time from a location outside of the local commuting area of the traditional worksite, and his or her alternative worksite has been determined as his or her official duty station, management funds all work-related travel outside the employee's normal commuting area, including travel to the traditional worksite. Management reserves the right to require employees to report to the traditional worksite on scheduled telework days, based on operational requirements.

Participation in telework may be terminated if the employee is not performing at the fully successful level (level 3) under TAPES, valued performer level (level 3) under NSPS, or equivalent level under other performance evaluation systems. Furthermore, telework arrangements may be terminated if the employee�s conduct has resulted in disciplinary action within the last year, or if the arrangement no longer meets the needs of the organization. Telework is not an employee entitlement, but a management decision. Decisions to allow telework are made locally, and must be in line with the supervisor's and command's direction.

Time and attendance should be annotated using the following codes:

(a) TW � Telework Regular

(b) TS � Telework Ad hoc/Situational

(c) TM � Telework Medical (both ad hoc and regular)

Content last reviewed: 1/29/2009-ALV