1st Armored Brigade Combat Team distinctive unit insignia

1st Armored Brigade Combat Team


We are a team of Soldiers, Families, and Civilians of all backgrounds, skills, and experiences working together to accomplish any mission our country asks of us. We are very fortunate to live and work at Fort Stewart in the Coastal Georgia area. Fort Stewart is a remarkable Army Post. We are only minutes from historic Savannah as well as a short drive from Hilton Head, South Carolina and but to the north of Jacksonville, Florida. There are plenty of beaches close by to offer relief from the summer sun but rest assured our hot summers are balanced by mild winters. This is a great place to be!

Our primary mission is to be ready to fight our nation's wars and win. There is no easy way to prepare for this. Discipline, along with tough, realistic training and top-notch physical fitness are all requirements to be successful while in harm's way. Most of the Brigade Combat Team recently returned from a deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. While overseas, they conducted security force assistance in the Zabul Province of Afghanistan, and many more from our combined arms battalions were in provinces across the theater involved in village stability operations. Now that we have returned, we are preparing for the future, whatever the mission may be.

Families are a vital component to the success of the Raider Brigade. Life in the military is challenging and we strongly encourage our families to support us by being involved with the unit and building relationships with other family members. We keep families informed not only through family readiness groups but also through an interactive Facebook page that is accessible to all. There you can find pictures and stories of our activities, as well as announcements of a number of events happening in your brigade and in the local community so "like" our page today and take part in the Raider experience!

You matter. Citizens who volunteer to serve our Nation while we are at war places them and their family in a very exclusive category. Whether this is your first assignment or if you have moved a number of times, we are glad you are here. People are not in the Army, they ARE the Army. So, welcome to the Raider Brigade and Fort Stewart!

Contact Information

Area Code: 912
Staff Duty: 767-7033
CDR: 435-1105
CSM: 435-1104
XO: 435-1107
HHC: 767-9401
S1: 767-6386
S2: 435-1103
S3: 435-1112
S4: 435-1101
S6: 435-1097
Chaplain: 767-7492
FRSA: 767-7447
PAO: 767-2321
Legal: 767-3659

Command Team

COL Phil Brooks
1st Armored Brigade Combat Team

CSM James E. Wafe
Command Sergeant Major
1st Armored Brigade Combat Team