Vision: A World Class Training Environment sustained by an exceptional Ready and Resilient Community of Choice

Mission: Ensure a Ready and Resilient Community sustained through exceptional customer service resulting in an excellent qualiry of life.

Fort Irwin Traffic and Vehicle Regulations.

NTC Regulation 190-5 This regulation supersedes NTC Regulation 190-5, dated 1 June 2002 and Update 1, dated 1 March 2007. This regulation prescribes the policies, responsibilities, delegations and procedures for managing and administrating the National Training Center (NTC) & Fort Irwin motor vehicle traffic program. The policy and guidance prescribed by this regulation applies to all individuals authorized to operate a motor vehicle on the Fort Irwin installation. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to the DES.

Establishment Off-Limits Designated Areas.

NTC AFZJ-CG Memorandum for Record dated 5 May 2014 designates off-limits establishments in the Southern California region for all Soldiers assigned to NTC and Fort Irwin. The order applies to Marines and Soldiers assigned to Marine Corps Logistic Base-Barstow.