





Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans (ICRMP)

What is it?

The ICRMP is a five-year planning document used to implement an installation’s cultural resources management program.  It is a component of the installation’s Master Plan. The installation commander uses the ICRMP to assist in making decisions about cultural resources management activities and compliance procedures.  The ICRMP:

  • Integrates the installation’s cultural resources program with ongoing mission activities;
  • Allows ready identification of potential conflicts between the installation’s mission and its cultural resources; and
  • Identifies compliance actions necessary to keep mission-essential properties and acreage ready for use.

What has the Army done?

The Army has established ICRMPs on all installations with cultural resource programs.  The plans identify and define components of cultural resources management essential to long-range installation planning.  The ICRMP includes:

  • A planning level survey with existing information on cultural resources,
  • development of or reference to historical contexts ,
  • an archeological sensitivity assessment or archeological predictive model,
  • a list of any federally recognized Indian tribes affiliated with the installations, and
  • standard operating procedures (SOPs) that identify how the installation will address cultural resource compliance and management issues related to installation activities.
  • SOPs may include actions relating to identification, evaluation, maintenance and repair of cultural resources, consultation with Federally-recognized Tribes and Native Hawaiian Organizations; inadvertent discovery of cultural resources; emergency actions that could affect cultural resources; and standard treatment measures for cultural resources such as historic buildings and structures.

What does the Army have planned?

The key to a successful ICRMP is integrating cultural resources data with mission-related training and testing activities.  Integrating training data into the ICRMP gives a broad perspective of the installation and makes cultural resources management relevant to the military mission.  Tools such as a geographic information system (GIS) are critical in integrating the complex set of data the ICRMP requires.  The Army will continue to survey installation lands and ensure GIS mapping identifies all cultural resources assets on the installation.

Why is this important?

ICRMPs are the Army installation commander’s primary tool for cultural resources management.  These plans emphasize a holistic approach to management of cultural resources and support mission activities.  Army policy promotes integrating cultural resources with daily installation activities through the establishment of standard operating procedures in the ICRMP for each installation.

Read more about it
  • AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement




















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