G9 - Civil Affairs

The G-9 ensures each COA effectively integrates civil considerations (the "C" of METTTC). The civil affairs operations officer considers not only tactical issues, but also sustainment issues. This officer assesses how operations affect civilians and estimates the requirements for essential stability tasks commanders might have to undertake based on the ability of the unified action. Host-nation support and care of dislocated civilians are of particular concern. The civil affairs operations officer's analysis considers how operations affect public order and safety, the potential for disaster relief requirements, noncombatant evacuation operations, emergency services, and the protection of culturally significant sites. This officer provides feedback on how the culture in the AO affects each COA. If the unit lacks an assigned civil affairs operations officer, the commander assigns these responsibilities to another staff member. The civil affairs operations officer represents the other actors' points of view if these agencies are not able to participate in the war game for security or other reasons.

Contact Information

Area Code: 912
OIC: 435-9948
NCOIC: 435-9864
Deputy OIC: 435-9864