
The surgeon section coordinates, monitors, and synchronizes the execution of the Army health system activities for the command for each COA to ensure a fit and healthy force. The surgeon provides advice for medically related matters and exercises technical supervision of all medical activities within the AO.

Contact Information

Area Code: 912
Deputy: 435-9863
Aero MEDEVAC Officer: 435-9861
DIV Surgeon: 435-9582
DIV Surgeon: 435-9858
ENV Science Officer: 435-9862
Health SVC Material Officer: 435-9739
MED LOG SGT: 435-9739
Medical NCO: 767-0305
MEDOPS and Plans Officer: 435-9866
OPS NCO: 435-9861
OPS SGT: 435-9868
PA: 435-9868
Patient Admin Officer: 435-9865
Psychiatrist: 435-9860
SWO: 315-4152