Force 2025 and Beyond

COL Richard Zampelli


Integrate and synchronize development activities, from concept to capabilities, across the ARCIC and the Army to develop and deliver solutions for Army future force.


  • Conduct Strategic Engagements to influence and shape F2025B initiative for the Army
  • Plan, coordinate and execute F2025B Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings
  • Execute the F2025B Maneuvers Directive to validate tasks and activities for key stakeholders across and inclusion of the operational force and other critical stakeholders (OSD, JIM partners).

Force 2025B Maneuvers Division

Provides the centralized planning, direction, and synchronization to execute F2025B Maneuvers, to integrate TRADOC and Army activities as part of the multi-year F2025B Strategy to achieve future force requirements to meet the demands of the strategic environment in 2025 and beyond

Governance and Outreach Division

Coordinate the F2025B governance process to insure conditions are set for meaningful dialogue and to support decision making by Senior Leaders Department of the Army. Communicate the F2025B vision and Senior Leaders Department of the Army decisions across the Army Enterprise.

Policy and Initiatives Division

Serves as the plans, policy and initiatives group for F2025B and the ARCIC. Develops short and long range functional plans for the ARCIC. Develops TRADOC policy for concept development, experimentation and requirements determination. Integrates and synchronizes initiatives within ARCIC and across the Army. Manages and coordinates ARCIC activities to include Professional Development, training, taskings, and support requirements.