Distinguished Speaker Series

Upcoming Speaker

December 1, 2016 | 1430-1600 | Fort Eustis Club | Fort Eustis, VA

Strategies of Conquest and Control in the Sown, the Steppe, and the Wilderness: Landscapes, Logistics, and Governance

Wayne E. Lee, PhD / Biography /

Synopsis: Military historians and military planners tend to focus on military operations associated with initial conquest: marches, battles, sieges, perhaps raids, devastations, etc. For most of history, such "operations" were intended to expand the resource base of the aggressor. They were about conquest and the ensuing rearrangement of political authority that benefited from that resource base. Historians and military planners have spent less time thinking about how a conquering society accomplishes that rearrangement and resource extraction. How does the winner manage or control those territories or peoples after an initial military victory? Furthermore, most military historians examine conquest by and of hierarchical sedentary agricultural societies, mostly states. This presentation compares agricultural states to tribal societies on the steppe and in the wilderness, and examines how the landscapes affect the logistics of conquest and control. In the end, the strong role of the military in a post-conquest rearrangement of political authority means that logistical systems are key to shaping strategies of control.

  • POC: Lieutenant Colonel Matt Rasmussen
  • Email: matthew.s.rasmussen.mil@mail.mil
  • Phone: (757) 501-6371

Recent Speaker

Enabling Practitioner-driven Innovation: Balancing Genius with Mastery

Dr. Nina Kollars / Biography:

Synopsis: The majority of research about new innovation models focus upon generating revolutionary grand design shifts as a way to assure military dominance. Left largely under-appreciated in current dialogue, however, are the accompanying processes of adaptation and improvisation and their impressive roles in driving military change. In particular, new innovation models overemphasize the role of "private industry genius" without examining the means by which preexisting organizational knowledge is required to transform contemporary practices with future war fighting potential. Drawing on historical and contemporary case studies across the U.S. Armed Services, this presentation invites consideration of the relationship among these processes in order to try to rebalance the discourse on military innovation.

August 19, 2016 | 1430-1600 | Fort Eustis Club | Fort Eustis, VA


Event Speaker

Mr. Garry Kasparov

The Evil We Know: The Future of Putin's Russia and Russia Without Putin

June 17, 2016 | 0900-1030 | Fort Eustis Club | Fort Eustis, VA

Video not available at this time

Event Speaker

Major General Ricky L. Waddell

Back to the Future: Stability Operations and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)

8 April 2016 | 1430-1600 | Fort Eustis Club | Fort Eustis, VA


Event Speaker

General Norton A. Schwartz, US Air Force (Retired) 19th Chief of Staff of the Air Force

Goldwater-Nichols Revisited

| Please check back with us at a later date. | Fort Eustis Club (FEC) | Fort Eustis, Virginia

Video not available at this time

Event Speaker

P. W. Singer

Ghost Fleet: What Can Fiction Tell Us About the Future of War

November 6, 2015 | 1430-1600 | Fort Eustis Club | Fort Eustis, VA


Event Speaker

Dr. Dave Johnson

The Challenges of the "Now" and What they Mean for America's Land Forces

August 21, 2015 | 1430-1600 | Fort Eustis Club (FEC) | Fort Eustis, VA


Event Speaker

General (Retired) Tony Zinni

Policy, Politics, Strategy and Decision Making

May 8, 2015 | 1430-1600 | Fort Eustis Club (FEC) | Fort Eustis, VA


Event Speaker

Dr. Williamson Murray

Naval Innovation in the Interwar Period 1920-1940

January 23, 2015 | 1430-1600 | Fort Eustis Club (FEC) | Fort Eustis, VA


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