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Doing Business with DMEA

What Does Contracting Buy?

Regulations, Laws, Databases, Reference Material

Central Contractor Registration(CCR)

Federal Business Opportunities (Fed Biz Ops)


What Does Contracting Buy?

DMEA Contracting uses the Advanced Technology Support Program (ATSP) as a primary contracting vehicle to acquire engineering services to address microelectronics.

In addition, DMEA has the following contracting opportunities:

  • Engineering Services
  • Landscape
  • Janitorial
  • Software Maintenance
  • Construction
  • Plumbing
  • Roofing
  • HVAC
  • Painting
  • Information Technology.

Current Business Opportunities

The following items are possible DMEA upcoming general type description requirements postings for fair opportunity:

JTIDS ASIC Re-spin, Packaging, Testing

Smart Scanning RFID Tag Reader

Eng Supplies - SOI-08 10-bit ADC

Eng Maint - Equip Pm/Calibrations (Multiple)

Wafer Backside Grinder Process Capability Install

High Temp Vacuum and Pressure Lid Seal Furnace

Dewar Temperature System 1 (DTS-1) OEM Annual Maint

Dewar Temperature System 2 (DTS-2) OEM Annual Maint

Eng Maint - MatLAB Reinstatement & Maint

Eng Equip - Advantest LTH Mixed Signal Upgrade

Eng Equip - Silvaco Layout & Verification Modules

Eng Maint - LabVIEW S/W

Eng Maint - Cascade Prober Cal & Maintenance

Eng Equip - TS-960 Digital Tester

Eng Equip - Cascade Summit 12000B-AP Probe Stn

Eng Equip - Keithley 4200 Characterization Sys

Rad Hard FPGA Studies

Eng Svcs I&A - Code for Automatic X-Ray Scan

Eng Equip - Nano-Meter Probing Stage

Eng Equip - Ultratec ASAP-1 Upgrade

Bldg Services (1 Yr) - Refuse

Bldg Services (1 Yr) - Landscaping

Facilities - DRMO Storage Trailer/Truck

Facilities - Single Wide Trailer-Exercise Rm (10x35)

Facilities - Double Wide Trailer-Fixture Shop (24x60)

Facilities - Fixture Shop CUP Bldg

Facilities - Double Wide Trailer-Personnel (24x60)

Facilities - Re-design & Re-landscape Front Area

Facilities - Conf Rm Electrical Upgrade

Facilities - Lab Rm - Wall & New Floor

Furniture - Reconfigure Room for Pick & Place

Facilities - Cabinets in Middle Hall Restrooms

Facilities – Electrical Upgrades

Facilities - Front Entry Fence Painting

Facilities - Roof Cleaning/Sanitize

Facilities - Revolving Door Replacement

Facilities - Electrical Upgrades ($3.5M Over 3 Years)

Facilities – Main Bldg Cooling Tower Replacement

Western Edge Shade Structure

X-Ray Scanner (Autoclear)

IT – Secondary Bldg Desktop Workstations

IT - DIARMF Engineering & Installation

IT - HW / SW Maint - Contract

IT - Supplies/Materials – Contract


For questions, please contact the Small Business Specialist, at 916-999-2759 or via email at

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Regulations, Laws, Databases, Reference Materials


  1. Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
  2. Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
  3. Federal Acquisition Circulars (FACs)
  4. Acquisition Regulations (DFARS)
  5. Defense Acquisition Deskbook
  6. DoD Acquisition Policy Documents
  7. Federal Register
  8. General Accounting Office (GAO) Information


  1. Code of Federal Regulations (searchable)
  2. United States Code (searchable)

Databases & References Materials

  1. Government Forms
  2. DoD Acquisition Workforce HomePage
  3. Government Printing Office (GPO) CBD Web Site

  4. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes
  5. Searchable SIC Codes
  6. Federal Supply Codes (FSCs)
  7. Dun and Bradstreet
  8. Debarred List of Parties Excluded From Federal Procurement & Nonprocurement Programs
  9. Cage Codes
  10. News & Upcoming Events

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Central Contractor Registration(CCR)

The Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system is a central repository of all contractors wanting to do business with the Department of Defense (DoD). CCR is part of the government's ongoing re-engineering of the procurement process to enhance service to customers and to lower costs. To receive contract awards from the DoD for solicitations issued after May 31, 1998, all companies and agencies must be registered in the CCR. Prospective contractors must be registered in the CCR database prior to award of a contract, basic agreement, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement, unless:

  • The purchase is made with a government credit card;
  • You are a foreign vendor working outside the U.S.;
  • The contract or purchase is classified;
  • The contract is awarded in the course of military operations by a deployed contracting officer;
  • The contract is for construction
  • The work is of a compelling or urgent nature

If you haven't registered for CCR, check out the web site at From the web site, you can register electronically or verify your registration. You only have to register once, but you must confirm that the information is accurate on an annual basis. If you do not want to register electronically, you can complete the paper registration form and mail or fax the application to the CCR Assistance Center, phone 1-877-252-2700.


CCR's primary coding is done with the DUNS number and CAGE codes as the secondary number. If you are registering more than one CAGE code with the same DUNS, the CCR system may overwrite (without your knowledge) earlier registrations since it can only handle one CAGE code per DUNS number. The result will be the inability of a government agency to verify CCR registration on a specific location prior to award and possible award of the contract to another contractor. The new DUNS and CAGE should be used when re-registering in the CCR system.

Due to the complexity of registering and notifying various agencies required when using the DUNS-Plus-4, the CCR Program Office is highly recommending that contractors obtain a separate DUNS number for each additional CAGE/location.

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Image: F16

Accomplishing the Impossible

The U.S. Air Force’s Aeronautical Systems Center needed new EDNAs, Enhanced Diagnostic Aids that track systems faults in F-16 fighter aircraft, and it needed them fast. Without the microelectronic components, F-16s would be grounded. A contract to manufacture the components had to be signed in two months.

And it was. Who else but DMEA could have accomplished this? Nobody we know of. Nobody the Air Forces knows of either.

“The DMEA staff support of this contract was nothing short of outstanding. Their involvement at the last hour of contract completion insured that the contract was awarded on time, without jeopardizing the funding profile established for this critical effort...

“Without [your] management and guidance, I’m convinced that we would not have accomplished this task in the allocated time frame. [Your} contribution, ’getting it done,’ was the key to our success.”

Charles B. Jackson
Chief, Acquisition Logistics Division
F-16 System Program Office

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