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Advanced Technology Support Program

ATSP Overview


Benefits of ATSP

Pre-Qualified Contractors

Some ATSP Users

ATSP Task on Contract

Placing a Task on Contract

ATSP Prime Contractors

Recent ATSP Awards

ATSP Overview

The Advanced Technology Support Program (ATSP) gives government organizations streamlined access to state-of-the-art technologies and engineering capability through leading defense industry resources and the engineering expertise of DMEA. ATSP provides the government with access to a broad range of technologies, capabilities, and expertise. ATSP can be used to provide the Warfighter with improved operational readiness, new capabilities, and dramatically enhanced performance through the application of advanced technologies and sophisticated engineering techniques.

ATSP3 is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with a $4.7 Billion ceiling over a base term of 5 years, and two 5-year options. This contract is the fourth in a series of efficient and innovative IDIQ contracts that DMEA has implemented to support the highly successful Advanced Technology Support Program.


Frequently Asked Questions about ATSP

What types of funding can I use on ATSP?

Can I start with a small delivery order and increase the work later?

What is the pricing arrangement?

Should I use ATSP if I have another ongoing contract vehicle?

Can DMEA apply its engineering resources directly to the tasks?

Can we build production under ATSP?

Can protests delay my ATSP task award?

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Benefits of ATSP

  • Minimum procurement time and cost—placing a task on contract in as little as 4 weeks
  • Act quickly with qualified experts
  • Build limited production
  • Satisfy your desire for competitive procurement:

- Competitively selected and pre-qualified contractors

- Delivery orders provide fair opportunity to all ATSP pre-qualified contractors

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Pre-Qualified Contractors

Among the current pre-qualified contractors available for subcontracting are the largest companies in the U.S. defense industry, including

BAE Systems
General Dynamics
Lockheed Martin

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (NGES)

Northrop Grumman Space Technology (NGST)

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Some ATSP Users

Air Force

Air National Guard


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Department of Transportation

Environmental Protection Agency


Marine Corps

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Imagery and Mapping Agency

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Security Agency

To use ATSP, you need only contact DMEA with a funded task requirement that is within the ATSP contract scope. ATSP contracts are managed by DMEA.

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ATSP Task Areas

Systems engineering, trade studies, technology assessment

Software design, analysis, coding, testing and verification

Hardware design, fabrication, assembly, testing, integration, prototyping and limited production

- Discrete electronics, integrated circuits, electro-optics

- Printed circuit boards and modules/slices

- Subsystems and systems from units to entire spacecraft

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Placing a Task on Contract

You and your agency

Contact the DMEA ATSP Program Office, Sacramento (Points of Contact)

Define the requirement and clarify scope issues

- Consider Prime's capabilities (URLs & POCs)

Decision to use ATSP (with concurrence of DMEA)

- Identify your programmatic needs

- Client/DMEA team is assigned

Develop ATSP documents (with assistance from DMEA)

- Contractual Engineering Task (CET) [~SOW]

- "Fair opportunity" input & criteria

- Provide funding (MIPR or other appropriate document)

Participate in fair opportunity analysis

Review proposal(s) and provide timely technical evaluation(s) to DMEA

Manage task on a daily basis



Coordinates with you and determines whether your requirement is within the scope of the ATSP contract

Mutually agree with Client to proceed

Assist with CET preparation

Conduct fair opportunity analysis

Prepares procurement package

Issues request(s) for proposal

Reviews proposal(s) and incorporates client technical evaluation input

Negotiates and issues the task order

Provides technical consultation services, monitors contractor performance, and serves as the primary focal point between the client and the contractor for technical and contractual issues

Daily task management, if requested

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Advanced Technology Support Program

Q: What types of funding can I use on the ATSP?

A: ATSP is flexible, but the appropriation must be appropriate for the task.

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Q: Can I start with a small delivery order and increase the work later?

A: Yes. The scope and dollars can be increased through either modification or additional orders.

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Q: What is the pricing arrangement?

A: There are three pricing arrangements available:

• cost plus fixed fee
• firm fixed price
• time and materials.

The proper price arrangement is determined on a task-by-task basis.

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Q: Should I use ATSP if I have another ongoing contract vehicle?

A: This depends on several factors. In general, however, if the task is within the scope of ATSP, most customers find ATSP to be the preferred vehicle.

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Q: Can DMEA apply its engineering resources directly to the tasks?

A: DMEA has significant engineering tools that can add value to the engineering development and management of a program. The exact mix of contractor and DMEA work is determined during strategy development between DMEA and the client.

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Q: Can we build production under ATSP?

A: You may build limited production units of products developed in the ATSP.

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ATSP Prime Contractors

BAE Systems

William Simpson, 603-885-4919


Mike Carson, 253-657-8056,

General Dynamics

Mark Weidman, 703-272-1722,


John Puzak, 505-681-9390,

Lockheed Martin

Dana C. Miller, 916-222-8664,
URL: Http://

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (NGES)

Steve Buss, 410-993-8672,

Northrop Grumman Space Technologies (NGST)

David Thornhill, 310-814-2784,


Bryan Leblanc, 813-230-8987,

Linda Schuler, 310-647-0569,


ATSP Program Office
(916) 999-2955,
(916) 999-2975,


4234 54th Street,
McClellan, CA 95652-2100

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ATSP task order contracts allow program managers:

Rapid access (4-10 weeks) to pre-qualified contractors

Access to DMEA contracting experts

A streamlined procurement process


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