Careers & Jobs

general qualifications

  • You must be a U.S. citizen
  • You must be 17-35 years old
  • You must be in good physical condition
  • You must have a clean legal record
  • You must have a high school diploma or GED

Some positions may have additional qualifications.

Help Choosing a Career

Help Choosing a Career

With so many jobs available in the Army, you may need some help finding the one that best suits your skills and goals.

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Use our search tools to browse more than 150 Army careers.

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Soldiers looking at map


The Reserve Officer Training Corps can help college students earn a degree and a commission as a U.S. Army Officer. Students enroll in elective leadership courses at their college or university in addition to the courses required by their major. At graduation, students are commissioned as Army Second Lieutenants.

Learn about Army ROTC
Soldier in front of helicopter

Army Reserve

Army Reserve Soldiers receive many of the benefits of active duty Soldiers, but serve part-time, allowing them to earn money for college and an extra paycheck in addition to their civilian jobs.

Learn About Army Reserve

Specialized Careers

Looking for an Army career that fits your specific career goals? If you are interested in law, healthcare, seminary, or any number of career paths, the Army has a place for you.

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Army Signal Officer

Become an Officer

U.S. Army Officers embody honor and courage. They are charged with leading Soldiers, setting an example, and getting the job done. There are four paths to becoming an Officer in the Army.

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Army civilian scientist performs research in a lab

Army Civilian Careers

Civilians have always been a critical part of the Army mission. They have access to hundreds of military jobs in a variety of locations.

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