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Please use the phone numbers and links provided below for the most current My Career Advancement Account Scholarship policy and program information and updates. For current My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Account owners, remember to check your My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Account Message Box regularly for additional information and updates.

General Information

My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Education and Training Plan Guidelines

My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Fact Sheet

How To Avoid Common Pitfalls with the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship

My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Information and Assistance:

        1-800-342-9647 -- Spouse Career and Education Opportunities Counselor
        Military OneSource -- See NEW online Spouse Career Center Resources

For Spouses

For Schools


The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship pays for many tests and preparatory courses of study that lead directly to a recognized professional, state, regional or national occupational license or certification. Click here for more information about tests and testing related resources.
