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/ Information Innovation Office (I2O)

Cyber Fast Track (CFT)

The Cyber Fast Track (CFT) program sought revolutionary advances in cyber science, devices, and systems through low-cost, quick-turnaround projects. To achieve this, CFT engaged a novel performer base many of whom were new to government contracting. From August 2011 to April 2013 the program attracted 550 proposal submissions, of which 90 percent were from performers that had never previously worked with the government, and awarded 135 contracts.

Program Manager: Mr. Richard Guidorizzi


The content below has been generated by organizations that are partially funded by DARPA; the views and conclusions contained therein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of DARPA or the U.S. Government.

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Last updated: November 13, 2015

Rogue Networks Methods for detecting malicious web server traffic Software Monitors HTTP traffic for indications of attempted script injection by monitoring various meta data about HTTP sessions. Also stores malicious activity events in an external IP reputation-based scoring system, allowing member organizations to share threat information. GPR
Immunity Federal Services, LLC Combining Expert Knowledge and Symbolic Software A system that uses human-assisted automated techniques to accurately and quickly find exploitable vulnerabilities in Windows Drivers using a static code analysis prototype. GPR
Dr. Charlie Miller Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Near Field Communication in Smartphones Software Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Near Field Communication (NFC) in Smartphones via an automated test framework. GPR
Secure Ideas, LLC MobiSec Live Environment Mobile Testing Framework Software A live, Linux-based testing environment that is preconfigured and installed with all the tools and configurations needed to perform security assessments and testing of mobile platforms. GPR
Assured Information Security, Inc. MoRE: Measurement of Dynamic Code: MoRE (Measurement of Running Executable) Software Determines whether an application or system kernel has been modified by an attacker by performing integrity checks of applications executing in memory using a custom Windows Page Fault Handler or VMX hypervisor. GPR
Peak Security, Inc. TinyLANE - Mobile Hardware Endpoint Security for Individuals Firmware A hand-held device that provides secure point-to-point communications and offers the user anonymous Internet access through the TOR framework. GPR
Strategic Cyber Cortana: A Language to Control and Automate Cyber Capabilities Software A domain-specific language that empowers users to automate, customize and extend the Metasploit and Armitage toolset -- enabling security evaluation and validation of defensive measures of an organization. GPR
Digital Operatives Subversive Storage Firmware A Mass Storage Device (MSD) controller that cannot be imaged via standard forensic techniques, can detect the host Operating System, and alter data in transit to the host. GPR
Critical Assets Labs Proposal for PIN Pad Defender Development Firmware A device that detects physical skimming attacks on ATM machines through the use of HD video and Infrared sensors. GPR
Peripety Labs Securing programs by automated detection and correction of vulnerabilities Software A software tool that automatically detects and corrects security vulnerabilities in C/C++ programs (especially those that are integer-related). GPR
Duo Security Practical Vulnerability Assessment on Consumer Mobile Devices Software A Vulnerability Assessment Framework for smart phones consisting of a mobile application and a cloud service. GPR
Thoughtcrime Labs Convergence: A secure, agile, distributed replacement for Certificate Authorities Software A secure, agile, distributed replacement for the Certificate Authority system using numerous Notaries to create a configurable quorum, asserting the site's identity. GPR
Galois, Inc. CyberChaff: Using Distraction for Network Protection Software An environment consisting of hundreds of virtual machines that will defend against cyber attacks. Cyberchaff will consist of lightweight virtualized targets that will delay and confuse attackers from their intended target and act as an Early Detection System. GPR
Deja vu Security Hungarian Ham Software A source code monitoring and filtration system designed to mine source-code commit history and detect malicious code check-ins to source repositories masked as an authorized developer. GPR
Exception Technologies, LLC Reuse Oriented Obfuscation Software An obfuscation technique based on the concept of gadgets and return-and jump-oriented programming techniques, thwarting attempts to reverse engineer applications by transforming them into a series of linked together gadgets executed in a runtime environment. GPR
GoToTheBoard GPU Assisted Malware Detection for Mobile Devices Software Leverages the graphics processor unit (GPU) for detecting malicious attacks and creates a GPU-Assisted Malware Detector for Mobile Devices. GPR
Subreption, LLC Proactive defenses for operating system dynamic memory allocators Software Provides the design and development of a solid set of security mitigations for dynamic memory allocators, applied to protect operating systems and software internals against exploitation of unknown and known vulnerabilities. GPR
Digital Operatives Process Attribution In Network Traffic (PAINT) Software A network packet analysis capability built upon Wireshark that enables malware threat detection and advanced malware analysis by inking packets sent and received to the source and destination application. GPR
Selective Intellect, LLC Firecracker: Framework for Vulnerability Assessment of Systems with High End GPUs Software A GPU-based cryptovirus framework that performs attacker-centric threat modeling. GPR
SecureIT Consulting Group, Inc. Needle in a Stack of PINs - An ARM Instrumentation Framework for the Embedded Generation Software An open-source tool kit for leveraging the principles and capabilities of dynamic analysis, including performance monitoring, error diagnosing, and stack trace logging. GPR
Malice Afterthought Reticle: Leaderless Command and Control Software A command, control, and communications (C3) platform for very-low-cost computers to receive tasking, exchange data, and change missions on the fly. GPR
Robert Seger Hatchet Software An easy to use tool that allows for exploration and manipulation of the low level details of an operating system including event handling and kernel interfacing without having specialized knowledge of the operating system. GPR
ReversingLabs FDF - File Disinfection Framework Software An advanced virtual machine for polymorphic malware disinfection. It will enable dynamic binary analysis on top of a static analysis framework by giving developers full control over detection, disinfection and repair of affected files. GPR
Dan Farmer Sealing and Testing Virtual Systems Software This project will provide an automated security testing sandbox for virtual systems. Target Practice (TP) will integrate and leverage four security tools; NMAP, Nessus, MetaSploit, and Bastille, to provide testing of virtual machines. GPR
Narf Industries, LLC Private Information Retrieval for Network Monitoring Software A secure network monitoring and alerting system, Enciphered Observation Network (EON), more completely protecting the confidentiality of signatures and the alerts generated on a remote sensor in an untrusted environment. GPR
Bulb Security, LLC Smartphone Penetration Testing Framework Software A Smartphone Penetration testing framework which will allow users to assess the security of mobile devices. This project offers the development and deployment of agents for post exploitation remote control, information gathering, and privilege escalation. GPR
Pwnie Express The Power Strip Backdoor Firmware Testing tool that provides secure remote access to target networks through a variety of covert TCP/IP channels, or via 3G/GSM cellular wherever available. GPR
Great Scott Gadgets HackRF: A Low Cost Software Defined Radio Platform Software An open-source low-cost Software Defined Radio (SDR) transceiver platform that allows a single piece of equipment to implement virtually any wireless technology (WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM, ZigBee, etc.). GPR
Hidden Layer, LLC A Machine Learning Approach for Source Code Vulnerability Detection Software An application of supervised machine learning to automatically detect attack surfaces, or vulnerabilities, in source code for C programs. GPR
Five Directions, Inc. Semantic Visualization of Security Data Software A semantic ontology, framework, and browser for managing security data and providing results superior to traditional SIEM and log correlation. GPR
Least Authority Enterprises Redundant Array of Independent Clouds Software A system for provider-independent security across several commodity cloud data storage services accessible via a common web interface. GPR
Recursion Ventures Impact of EM Injection on Digital Imaging Technologies Study A study identifying potential vulnerabilities in digital imaging technologies including CCD (charge-coupled device) and APS (active-pixel sensor). GPR
Step Three Research ASLRx, a Defense Against Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities Software A prototype ASLRx, an OS-patch extension of ASLR to defend against all types of remote code execution vulnerabilities. GPR
RST Professional Services, LLC Defensive Live-Response Capabilities with MetaSploit Software Leverages tools often used by attackers, such as Metasploit, for rapid file-system analysis in support of discovering and understanding unknown malicious code. GPR
Stealth Software Technologies, Inc. Secure Two-Party Satellite Collisions Checking (SETSAT) Firmware A design for the implementation, testing, and demonstration of a secure two-party satellite collision checking system. GPR
Digital Forensics Solutions, LLC Forensic Capabilities for Embedded Files Systems Software Forensic tool which explores properties of flash file systems to determine which artifacts correlate to file system activities and how long deleted data stays present in these file systems. Includes a library which can be easily integrated into currently existing tools. GPR
HellaSec, LLC Beer Garden: Reversing the Asymmetry of High-Density Attacks Software Defends net-centric web applications from zero-day high-density attacks through the use of admission control and worker process management. GPR
The Honeynet Project Web Application Honeypot Software Generates an extensible attack surface to adversaries who are attempting to gain unauthorized access to computer systems and data that allows the defender to identify malicious requests and gather and report detailed information on possible threats. GPR
Microtask, Ltd. Proposal to Develop Split Field Processing Technology Software A new type of document data protection that captures sensitive data from documents and separates individual fields of information into fragments that are transmitted securely, which greatly reduces the risk of compromise. GPR
Cody Nicewanner Censoring the Pointer Software Targets zero-day threats by nullifying an exploit's ability to execute its shell code. It fills the gap between ASLR and DEP by preventing non-executable scripts from dynamically locating system structures which are needed to properly execute an exploit. GPR
Trail of Bits Using Concolic Execution To Measure A Program's Susceptibility to Code-Reuse Attacks Software Develops a system to measure a program's susceptibility to code-reuse ROP exploits. The system accepts a collection of program modules as input and presents a score of the re-usability of that set of modules as output. GPR
Red Balloon Security FRAK: Firmware Reverse Analysis Konsole (FRAK) Software General framework for unpacking, analyzing, modifying, and repacking the firmware images of arbitrary proprietary embedded devices. GPR
Digital Forensics Solutions, LLC Automatically Generated Regular Expression- Based Signatures for File Carving Software File carving is used to recover files which are no longer accessible, whether due to deletion, file system corruption, or drive re-formatting. This project proposes a new method of file carving to mitigate the inherent limitations of existing tools. GPR
Armatum Networks Full Spectrum Intrusion Detection Software Analysis and visualization of HTTP and HTTPS traffic at the network perimeter to identify traffic consistent with malware Command and Control (C2) channel characteristics. GPR
Capitol Hill Consultants, LLC M2M Risk Assessment Project (MRAP) Software Evaluates the current M2M threat surface and identifies common security weaknesses that may lead to unacceptable risks in embedded systems and critical infrastructure. GPR
Security Works, LLC Defending the Hypervisor Software Provides a framework for testing the various interfaces between Virtual Machines (VM) and the underlying virtualization layer (i.e., Hypervisor) on the physical host. GPR
SecureIT Consulting Group, Inc. Poor Man's Control Flow Integrity (PMCFI) Software Establishes legitimate execution paths at the function level and aborts execution if attempts are made to modify flow. GPR
Safely, Inc. Secure Surrogate Cloud Browsing Software This project provides a system that offloads vulnerability prone operations, such as JavaScript execution and image parsing, from client browsers to surrogate browsers running in the cloud. GPR
215LAB LLC Netoko Software This is a a cloud-based ecosystem for developing network security applications. GPR
Secure Ideas, LLC Securing HTML5 Assessment Resource Kit (SHARK) Software Researches and identifies potentially vulnerable HTML5 features and develops filtering rules that can be used by open source security products as an effective countermeasure against browser attacks. GPR
AcceSys Technology SCATEboard - Side Channel Attack Test Evaluation Board Software Provides a hardware platform to evaluate cryptographic algorithm exposures in embedded systems to Side Channel Attacks (SCAs). GPR
Bitlackeys Security Linux VMA Monitor (LVM) Software Detects user space memory infections in a Linux environment. Its unique heuristics analyzer identifies complex and atypical infections and produces an unpacked executable version for analysis. GPR
Bunnie Studios, LLC Enabling Distributed Network Protocols Software Creates a high-performance, low-cost device that is based on infrastructure descended from mobile phone lineage and optimized for use in secure distributed networks. GPR
KoreLogic, Inc. MASTIFF Software A static analysis framework that automates the extraction of characteristics of malware and allows rapid technique development through the use of plug-ins. ALv2, BSD
Sutajio Ko-Usagi Pte Ltd. Know Thy Media Software Investigates the embedded microcontrollers in Secure Digital (SD) cards, develops a hardware/software protocol analysis tool which logs raw transactions to the NAND device and compares them against commands issued by the SD interface. GPR
GoToTheBoard Taking it From the Source - Integrating Dynamic Security Software Couples static and dynamic analysis tasks into a set of tools that heightens a mainstream developer's awareness of code vulnerabilities and security issues in his or her day-to-day-programming. GPR
Island Peak Software Submarine: Capturing the Unencrypted BIOS Software Uses virtual machine logging, together with a virtualized BIOS device, to capture the unencrypted, uncompressed machine code of any Basic Input/Output System (BIOS). GPR
Deja vu Security Godel's Gourd: Next Generation Fuzzer Software Creates an automated testing framework that triggers and detects logical constraint violations that are undetectable with current fuzzing technology. GPR
Galois, Inc. Ditto: A Tunable Network Stack for Confounding the Enemy Software Creates a network stack that can be tuned by the system administrator to emulate whatever operating system the administrator chooses, complicating the adversary's decision process and decreasing the effectiveness of available adversary attack tools. GPR
Digital Operatives HAVOC - Halting Attacks Via Obstructing Configurations Software Explores configuration changes that impact the performance of malware components, developing tools for randomly changing those configuration parameters to exploit weaknesses in malware. GPR
Subreption, LLC SAFEDROID: High Assurance Computing for Mobile Devices Software Enforces memory protections and reduces system predictability, alters core components of the operating system (OS), and provides a defensive in-depth solution against zero-day attacks. GPR
Digital Operatives AERIAL - Automatic Entity Recognition Identifying Antennas Locally Software Uses automatic visual recognition on mobile phones to detect and classify antennas used in communications networks even in the absence of Radio Frequency emissions. GPR
Dan Farmer IPMI: Underbelly of Servers Software Offers a collection of simple tools to address the security concerns inherent with IPMI technology, raise awareness of IPMI's security weaknesses, identify configuration errors on IPMI clients, and propose a threshold for acceptability. GPR
University of Tulsa Heavy Truck Electronic Network Security Analysis Framework (Truck-In-A-Box) Firmware An inexpensive and lightweight hardware framework for analysis of heavy truck engine control modules, evaluating attack surfaces and demonstrate security vulnerabilities on commercial vehicles at a reduced cost. GPR
SecureIT Consulting Group, Inc. ProcessGossip: A Side Channel Information Fusion Framework Software Detects information leaks and identifies side channel vulnerabilities in the Android Operating System. Whole classes of exploits that previously relied on privilege escalation to capture secrets can potentially operate by simply listening to unprivileged information. GPR
VULNEX Compiler Security and Binary Defenses Breakdown Software Provides resources that simplify the process of building secure software, assists developers in using the security settings offered by compilers, and provides analysts with a tool for scanning binaries for vulnerabilities caused by insufficient compiler security configuration. GPR
Narf Industries, LLC Kensa: An Anti-Reverse Engineering System Software Kensa provides alerting mechanisms for tamper detection, encrypted patching, and reverse engineering mitigation. The system protects proprietary-critical binaries against adversaries' efforts by thwarting and reporting reverse engineering attempts. GPR
Dr. Charlie Miller A Framework for Automotive Computing Systems Software Provides a framework for programmers to develop and execute code to monitor and control the various embedded systems in computerized automobiles. GPR
Upstanding Hackers, LLC Hammer: The Science of Insecurity - Source Development Recognizers and Validators Software Facilitates the secure creation of input recognizers, or validators, that use mathematical proofs and verify correct code operation with minimum impact on development time and effort. GPR
Zentific, LLC Zazen: Virtual Machine Introspection to Detect and Protect Software Intrusion detection and prevention system that monitors and protects virtual machines from an external perspective. This tool repairs malicious modifications designed to hijack normal kernel and program operation when possible. GPR
Selective Intellect, LLC Bootjack: BIOS Implant Detection Software Bootjack is a configurable hardware solution that detects compromised BIOS components on Personal Computers. Bootjack scans a system, and within seconds, indicates the presence of a compromised BIOS via an alert on the external device. GPR
Raber Hughes Technologies, LLC Virtual Deobfuscator Software Reverse engineering tool that automates the reverse engineering of obfuscated instructions utilizing loop detection to disclose the underlying malware's original state. GPR
504ENSICS Labs Application-Level Memory Forensics For Dalvik Software This project researches and develops a framework to analyze the application-level memory forensics of Dalvik, the process virtual machine used by the Android operating system. GPR
Quoc Tran GarbledGrids: Provable and Efficient Distributed Computing Security Software A framework that protects data used in computations distributed across multiple remote machines. GPR
Narf Industries, LLC Bbemu: A Baseband Emulation Framework for Vulnerability Analysis Software Integrated vulnerability testing environment for basebands, providing researchers with a flexible baseband analysis environment at communication devices that handles communication between cellular towers and cellular phones. GPR
JW Secure, Inc. BHT - BIOS Integrity Measurements Heuristics Tool Software Mitigates BIOS-level threats in an enterprise using TPM in a system of cloud and client components. GPR
Northeast Information Discovery, Inc. SLRFDL - Security Legacy Radio Frequency Data Links Software A passive Radio Frequency network intrusion prevention system for secure legacy RF communication. The system uses RF fingerprint techniques to create a white-list to allow legitimate communications while denying unauthorized devices. GPR
Malice Afterthought NOM: Novel Object Mapping Visualization of Security Data Software Provides users with visual tools for examining incoming network/security data in near real-time, allowing users to understand past data using computer gaming engines that handle a huge number of data points. GPR
Great Scott Gadgets Physical Layer Monitoring Platform for Wired Communication Media Firmware Provides a low-cost, portable device with pluggable capabilities that monitors high and low bandwidth wired communication protocols such as USB and HDMI at the physical layer. GPR
MonkWorks, LLC NAND-Xplore: Hiding and Finding Data with NAND Flash Error Codes Software Uses on-board NAND controller, logic gates that the flash architecture resembles, or the host operating system to hide files and programs from users and forensics software GPR
Trail of Bits Scalable Graph - Theoretical Analysis for Qualitative Program Security Assessment Software Leverages developments in static analysis and graph theory to build a system that automatically identifies object lifespan vulnerabilities at source code level. GPR
Kyrus Tech, Inc. Dynamic Analysis Toolset for Embedded System Application Software Explores the adaptation of vulnerability research toolsets to embedded systems, providing dynamic analysis capabilities that are currently limited to researchers of non-embedded systems such as personal computers. GPR
504ENSICS Labs Forensic Analysis of the OS X Spotlight Search Index Software Provide access to all data stored in Spotlight indexes in an offline manner by reversing the index format, discovering forensically interesting artifacts in the index, recovering deleted versions of indexes, and generating code to automate access to index data. GPR
ReversingLabs RDFU - Rootkit Detection Framework for UEFI Software A rootkit/malware scanner designed to detect UEFI rootkits. GPR
Red Balloon Security Defending Embedded Systems Using Autotomic Binary Structure Randomization Software Independent host-based defense for arbitrary embedded systems using the principles of defense through diversity and attack surface minimization, which will include techniques such as binary autotomy and binary structure randomization. GPR
Milcord VPN Underground Fingerprinter Tool & Guidelines to Limit Identifying VPN Traces Software Identifies several encryption algorithms and attempts to discern patterns from the delays caused by packet loss and other artifacts of specific encrypted connections. GPR
Inverse Limit, LLC Project fa840 Software Augments the Erlang tool chain with additional languages and tools for building verified Erlang modules and then writes software whose modules are a mixture of both traditional and verified Erlang modules. GPR
MonkWorks, LLC Clock Locking Beats - Exploring the Android Kernel and Processor Interactions Software Exploration into smartphone processor clocks, speed and voltage manipulation techniques. It catalogues various means to subvert detection of running processes on mobile devices and how to uncover them. GPR
Great Scott Gadgets Unambiguous Encapsulation in Error Correcting Codes Software Explores longer codes (with codewords of length greater than five bits) that have interesting encapsulation properties, such as 'nestability' useful for unambiguous encapsulation of error control codes. GPR
GoToTheBoard Visualization and Analysis of Machine Configuration Space Software A set of tools for visualization and analysis of a program's configuration space by using QEMU and its emulation capabilities as a means to record the executed instructions from a program. GPR
Strategic Results Enhancing Email Messaging Security Software Software algorithms for the graphical representation of key fingerprints which will combine effective key visualization methods that are quick, accurate, and extremely difficult to defeat. GPR
Deja vu Security Siren's Song Software A system for fuzzing interpreted languages such as Python, Ruby, and JavaScript in a generic way by creating links between grammar, Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), and common metaphors in languages such as instantiating an object, calling a method and setting a property. GPR
Grier Forensics Sifting Collectors Software A sifting forensic collector which locates forensically relevant data and collects it in a forensically sound way in a fraction of the time (5-10x current speeds) and space (10-20% the size) required of traditional imaging methods. GPR
Mercury Milestones, LLC Program Relocator Software Software that can monitor processes and move malware to another machine. Then the malware will continue to run on the new machine with no indication that it has been moved. GPR
Invincea Labs CrowdSource Software Open source automatic malware reverse engineering engine by training a machine learning based malware capability detection engine on millions of technical documents from the web. GPR
KoreLogic, Inc. PathWell Software Enterprise-wide password complexity enforcement that significantly reduces the effectiveness of or renders useless current topology-based password cracking schemes. GPR
Northeast Information Discovery, Inc. A Framework for Component-Level Excitation (FCLE) Software Framework for the application of penetration testing techniques by enabling access to new system interface points by security professionals who may otherwise be unfamiliar with the necessary DSP and RF techniques. GPR
Securisea Improved Vulnerability Searching in Code Software System for hybrid analysis security testing which has reduced false negatives when searching for SQLi and XSS vulnerabilities via dataflow taint tracking compared to other existing automated tools today and demonstrated the prototype against real world web applications. GPR
BlueRISC Inc. Unique Software and Microcontroller on a Whim Software Automated toolkit that creates a unique microcontroller that matches the randomly synthesized encoding by retrofitting a GCC compiler containing back-end support for AVR ISA or Verilog implementation of an AVR microcontroller. GPR
Inverse Limit, LLC GLS Software An open source GPU accelerated lattice sieve for the NFS that specifically targets the relation collection step of NFS, which is a combination of sieving and co-factorization to find smooth pairs that satisfy a particular technical property. GPR
504ENSICS Labs A Framework for Differential Analysis of Malware in RAM Software A prototype system that will take two successive memory captures and execute a set of plugins on them to determine the differences in the captures, providing the analyst with a browseable view of the analysis performed by the plugins. GPR
Accuvant Federal Solutions Inc. Security Explorer Software Tool to instantiate a platform for developers to ensure their binaries are protected with the latest in exploit mitigation technologies and test their sandbox implementations to quantitatively understand the actions an attacker may perform inside the sandbox. GPR
LEAD 82 BootFixer: Semi-automatic Aid for Windows Malware Infections and Misconfiguration Software Tool to (1) boot the Microsoft Windows machine into a safe-state, (2) gather and analyze the crucial data and (3) find and aid with removal of all potential known and unknown threats (including hidden rootkits). GPR
Trail of Bits MAST: Mobile Application Security Transforms Software Mobile application protection platform to armor iOS mobile applications against reverse engineering. GPR
University of Tulsa Chip-Level Memory Mapping and Forensics for Heavy Truck ECM Firmware Identifies data-bearing components in heavy truck electronic control modules. It will allow the repeatable method for imaging these components at the chip level in a forensically verifiable manner and map the contents of these devices to operational parameters. GPR
MonkWorks, LLC Project Burner - El telefono inteligente de fuego Software Research to understand what an attacker would have to do to physically destroy or incapacitate a device solely with kinetic software behaviors, to gain a deep understanding of that attack vector, and to develop a means of discovery and remediation. GPR
Exception Technologies, LLC CRUSADE Toward Symbolic Signal Synthesis for Cyber Effects Analysis Software An end-to-end RF vulnerability analysis framework capable of examining hardware and software systems for potential flaws by leveraging existing system level symbolic execution techniques. GPR
Dr. Charlie Miller A Platform for Automotive Network Security Research Software Tool that allows users to simulate attacks, look for vulnerabilities, explore how ECU's interact with each other, and design defenses in such a way that the exact same code will work in a real automobile. GPR
Sutajio Ko-Usagi Pte Ltd. EMP Software A mobile, extensible platform for signal measurement and protocol analysis. GPR
Openwall, Inc. Scalable Password Hashing Software An improvement to PHS and cryptographic KDF, focusing on deliberate uses of large amounts of memory (many gigabytes), which the main PHS or KDF component may treat as read-only (ROM), resulting in reduced efficiency of offline attacks. GPR
ProvenSecure Solutions, LLC A Risk Mitigation Metric for Multi-Factor Authentication Systems Software A Risk Mitigation Metric (RMM) tool that will provide continuous-scale quantitative results of representative authentication attempts. GPR
SigBlips DSP engineering Weak Modulated Signal Correlations Software A real-time weak modulated signal detection system prototype that makes use of novel correlation algorithms that will be implemented on an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor card for real-time operation. GPR
Dan Farmer Fait Accompli Software Software that will enable a modestly technical person to see and understand what happens when a program is executed, and in particular to observe the execution of a software installer. GPR
Grand Idea Studio, Inc. Research and Analysis of PCB Deconstruction Techniques Software A suite of open-source tools and techniques to assist, simplify, and automate the PCB reverse engineering process based on PCB deconstruction. GPR
Hyperion Gray, LLC Web 3.0: A Distributed Web Application Spider and 3D Visualization Engine With Built-In Continuous Security Software 3D web application visualization engine that creates a landscape view of web applications across a network that is easy to navigate, intuitive, and has real-time web application vulnerability information built into it. GPR
Inverse Limit, LLC Project MAIM Software A tool chain for the purposes of mining undocumented information from the x86 processor architecture. Additionally an example miner will be produced to exhibit the differences in the underlying micro-architecture of four of the five major x86 variants. GPR
Metrix Create:Space An Inexpensive Practical Textile-Based Computing and Communications Platform Software Determines optimal materials and methods for putting low-cost low-power computing platforms into everyday clothing. GPR
Ring0 Technologies PIDS Software A technology that will detect and prevent infiltration of sensitive or classified networks via shared power sources including Modern or recent COTS broadband PLC protocols; older COTS protocols & non-COTS protocols including both voltage and current mode modulations. GPR