
Your learning journey begins here at My Training Hub. Click the Get Started button below to begin.

Once you are logged in, click the Course Catalog button to search for courses.

About Us
Attention eSAT Users
  • Taking the eSAT course? Be sure to set up your profile before you begin. These tips will show you how.




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  • The Secure Sockets Layer certificate used for the learning management system has been updated. If your browser notifies you of incompatibilities with the system, please go to http://iase.disa.mil, and complete step 3. This process will update your browser with the appropriate DoD certificates for compatibility with the new SSL certificate.
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How to Use This System
Learn your way around.
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Did You Know?
  • You need a registered account to view and take courses on My Training Hub.
  • We recommend you allow pop-up windows and add Military OneSource to your trusted sites. Instructions are available on the FAQs page.


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