[ The Real McCoy Online Home ]                                                                                                                   March 25, 2011

RAPIDGate system for vendors fine-tuned

Fort McCoy’s vehicle access policy for contractors, vendors and other business concerns will change Friday, April 1. This policy will allow the level of access most suited to each business’s need.

PHOTO: A view of the kiosk area in the Fort McCoy Welcome Center, where vendors and other businesses providing services  at Fort McCoy can register for the RAPIDGate system. Photo by Rob Schuette
A view of the kiosk area in the Fort McCoy Welcome Center, where vendors and other businesses providing services at Fort McCoy can register for the RAPIDGate system. (Photo by Rob Schuette)

The policy change will not affect people who access the installation using their Common Access Cards or military ID cards or those obtaining one-day visitor passes to visit a specific facility or event.

RAPIDGate has been in effect for about a year at Fort McCoy and provides the vendor-access services at the installation. Eid Passport, Inc. of Portland, Oregon, has the Fort McCoy contract and numerous contracts with approximately 65 military organizations throughout the Continental United States and Hawaii.

A two-tier access policy — access for one year or for a limited 90-day term — will be offered at Fort McCoy. Background screening is required for personnel who gain access to the installation. This screening is conducted for RAPIDGate applicants and the fees are charged to the applicants.

The vendor application process, which takes less than 10 minutes, can be completed at one of two kiosks at the Welcome Center, building 35, near the Main Gate.

Once submitted it takes about 10-14 days to process the application and complete an extensive background check. Applicants who have registered will receive a 14-day pass while their application is being processed.

The one-year access pass is for commercial firms, service providers or vendors that conduct business on a regular basis at Fort McCoy.

This gives RAPIDGate participants access to Fort McCoy through any gate — during their normal operating business hours — that will accommodate their vehicles. The vendors also will have faster installation access (because of the security screening they already have gone through).

Business people also can get a one-day visitor pass to access the post, which is free. Those choosing this option must go to the Welcome Center.

Businesses choosing the one-day option may face a longer access time to get through the registration and security procedures. Anyone who receives a one-day visitor’s pass can enter only through the Main Gate. Anyone who seeks installation access must have a driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of vehicle insurance.

For more information about the RAPIDGate system or to enroll, vendors can call RAPIDGate Sales and Services at 1-877-727-4342.

Because the Fort McCoy Directorate of Emergency Services anticipates larger than normal traffic volumes at the Main Gate and Welcome Center during the month of April, Fort McCoy Soldiers and civilian employees are encouraged to use either the Sparta Gate, Tomah Gate, or Gate 20 to access the installation during the open hours.

The Sparta and Tomah Gates are open for installation entry from 5-8 a.m. weekdays. Gate 20 is open 24/7.

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