Sexual Assault Prevention

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) is a science-based, comprehensive and integrated program for the United States Marine Corps that is committed to the prevention and ultimate elimination of sexual assault in the Corps while simultaneously providing world-class care to victims of the crime.

SAPR is a Commander's Program that is supported by several agencies across the Corps, including but not limited to Headquarters Marine Corps SAPR, U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Chaplains, Clinical Counseling Program, Victims' Legal Counsel Organization, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), and Judge Advocate Division.



  • Creation of a positive command climate in which victims and bystanders (who intervene) feel confident about reporting an incident of sexual assault without retaliation.
  • A continuum of training commensurate with the knowledge and duties of target Marine audiences that emphasizes how to prevent sexual assault through bystander intervention and addresses acts of retaliation within the Corps.
  • Confidential 24/7 access to credentialed advocates who provide crisis intervention and referrals to supportive resources, including medical care and dedicated legal representation.
  • Victim reporting options to file either a confidential Restricted Report or an Unrestricted Report which serves as a bridge to command involvement and offender accountability.
  • Independent, thorough, and sensitive investigation of unrestricted and third-party reports of sexual assault incidents by the appropriate investigative agency (e.g., NCIS).
  • Fair and judicious disposition of investigated sexual assault incidents by senior and experienced officers (06 and higher, specially trained as Sexual Assault Initial Disposition Authority) with the goal of holding offenders appropriately accountable.
  • Targeted research to develop new programs that will stop sexual assault before it occurs and open the door to more reporting of sexual assault incidents by both male and female Marine victims.

Learn More

If you are the victim of sexual assault, immediate and confidential help is available 24/7 by calling the DoD Safe Helpline at 1-877-995-5247 or your installation 24/7 help line located below.

To learn more about SAPR services, please talk to your Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), SAPR Victim Advocate (VA), or Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA). Active duty Service members, Reserve Component members, and military dependents 18 years of age and older are eligible for the Marine Corps SAPR Program as defined in MCO 1752.5B, which also specifies eligibility for certain non-military personnel.

Quantico(Change Location)

Installation 24/7 Sexual Assault Support Line
(703) 432-9999

DoD Safe Helpline
(877) 995-5247 

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