Real Estate

Foreclosure Basics

Foreclosure is the most commonly used legal process by which a lender or other real property lien holder may dispossess you of your home and sell the home in order to obtain repayment of a debt. A foreclosure most often results from a failure to make timely mortgage payments or other default on your home loan.


Homebuyer's Checklist

Exercise due diligence before any real estate purchase using this 16 point checklist.


Real Estate Ownership, Mortgage, Taxes and Rental

Purchasing a house can be one of the most important decisions you can make. Such transactions involve formal contracts for the purchase of the home, which carry substantial financial and legal responsibilities the moment they are signed. As real estate transactions are inherently complex, and involve detailed questions of state and Federal law, and deal with large sums of money, you should consult with a legal assistance attorney at the earliest opportunity in the buying or selling process.


Tax on Home Sale Info Sheet

This attached document provides detailed information on the tax treatment of capital gain on sale of a home.


Staff Judge Advocate

Lt. Col. Daniel Tanabe


Monday through Friday

For appointments or questions please call: