The Honorable Frank Kendall
The Honorable Frank Kendall

Under Secretary of Defense for AT&L

The Honorable Alan Estevez
The Honorable Alan Estevez

Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for AT&L


Welcome to the website of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD(AT&L)). The USD(AT&L) is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary Defense for all matters concerning acquisition, technology, and logistics.

As legislated by Congress, the primary responsibilities of the USD(AT&L) include:

  1. Supervising Department of Defense acquisition

  2. Establishing policies for acquisition (including procurement of goods and services, research and development, developmental testing, and contract administration) for all elements of the Department of Defense

  3. Establishing policies for logistics, maintenance, and sustainment support for all elements of the Department of Defense

  4. Establishing policies of the Department of Defense for maintenance of the defense industrial base of the United States.

In addition to performing the above functions, the USD(AT&L) has oversight responsibility for: military installations and their environment; operational energy plans and programs; major weapon systems; missile defense programs; space and intelligence programs; and nuclear and chemical and biological defense programs, including Nunn-Lugar programs and the nuclear forces.

To learn more about the individual components that comprise OUSD(AT&L), please visit the AT&L Offices Page.

The Latest

March 21, 2016

Annual Growth of Contract Costs for Major Programs in Development and Early Production

This report shows dramatic reductions in contracted costs during the Better Buying Power and Goldwater-Nichols eras. Modeling indicates these decreases are independent of budgetary reductions and a self-correcting cost-control behavior. Along with other data on total program cost growth, these results demonstrate progress in controlling program costs.

November 4, 2015

Eliminating Requirements Imposed on Industry Where Costs Exceed Benefits

This report supports AT&L’s Better Buying Power initiatives to maximize capabilities acquired with taxpayer money by examining instances of regulatory burdens or their implementation imposed on industry in order to eliminate unnecessary actions towards acquisition.

October 6, 2015

Kendall Address at "State of DoD Acquisition" Event

USD(AT&L) Frank Kendall provided the keynote address at a State of DoD Acquisition event today, and discussed his third annual "Performance of the Defense Acquisition System" report. Following his remarks, the military service acquisition executives conducted a panel discussion.
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October 5, 2015

Performance of the Defense Acquisition System, 2015 Annual Report

This third annual report on the Performance of the Defense Acquisition System continues the effort to provide data and analysis so the Department of Defense (DoD) can see how it is doing, measure the effectiveness of ongoing efforts to improve acquisition, and learn from past experience.

October 5, 2015

Compendium of Annual Program Manager Assessments for 2015

USD(AT&L) Frank Kendall released a compendium of acquisition program statements written by their Program Managers to provide the defense acquisition community insight into the complexity of our programs, the professionalism of the people who are managing them, the problems they face, and the way in which they are dealing with those problems.

April 9, 2015

Better Buying Power

Implementation Directive for Better Buying Power 3.0 - Achieving Dominant Capabilities through Technical Excellence and Innovation

April 9, 2015

Better Buying Power Fact Sheet

Better Buying Power (BBP) 3.0 reflects the Department of Defense’s (DoD) commitment to continuous improvements in the defense acquisition system. Under the overarching theme, Achieving Dominant Capabilities through Technical Excellence and Innovation, we are strengthening our efforts in innovation and technical excellence while also continuing the Department’s efforts to improve efficiency and productivity that began under BBP 1.0 and 2.0.

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