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The Definitive Source for Everything CAC

  CAC (Common Access Card) help for your Personal Computer

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AKO Insider article featuring CW3 Danberry




1:  Most DoD website access problems can be fixed by following these adjustments to your Internet Explorer (or Google Chrome) web browser.


2:  The latest versions of the Apple Mac OS (Mountain Lion - 10.8 and Lion 10.7.x) DON'T support CAC natively.  Please remember this when you upgrade to Mountain Lion  - (10.8) or Lion (10.7) from Snow Leopard (10.6.8).  We have found 8 different options for you to continue using your CAC on your Mountain Lion or Lion Mac.  Please visit the Lion specific page to see your options.


3:  Army users, when installing ApproveIt 6.5, you receive "No host application was found on this computer.  Please install the host application before installing ApproveIt Desktop" you'll want to look here for the solution


4:  If you have the "Gemalto TOP DL GX4 144" CAC, and occasionally the "Oberthur ID One 128 v5.5 Dual" CAC, are using Windows 7, you "may" be able to use your CAC without installing ActivClient. 


5:  If you have the "Oberthur ID One 128 v5.5 Dual" CAC and it does not appear to be working with your Windows computer you need to install ActivClient, AND then update it to at least


6.  Mac users who have purchased the IO Gear GSR-202 CAC reader from the PX / BX may have problems.  We've worked with Thursby Software and IOGear to find an update (which is actually a downgrade) for the firmware on the reader.  Please use the following 2 files in this folder to update your CAC reader.


7.  Windows 7 (64 bit) users who have the IOGear GSR-202 USB CAC reader and are having problems with the reader not staying in device manager after the computer is restarted should Install the driver from IOGear then restart the computer to remedy this situation.  (This has worked for some people).  Others are still having the problem.  To update the driver manually, follow this guidance.  The only other cure for it not working is to return it and purchase a different reader.


iPhone and iPad users can use their CAC and access CAC enabled websites using Thursby's PKard for iOS and PKard reader.  Read about the iPhone 5 and new iPads coming soon and their Lightning adaptor.

Interviewed for  SecureIDNews article regarding Thursby's PKard for iOS and reader



Installation Steps
Step 1: Obtain a CAC Reader
Step 2: CAC Reader driver | Video
Step 3: DoD Certificates | Video
Step 4: ActivClient | Video
Step 4a: IE adjustments | Video
Log into AKO with your CAC now
Proceed ONLY if you need to sign forms
Step 5: Lotus Forms | Video
Step 6: ApproveIt | Video



The intent of this website is to assist you with the installation of software so you can use your CAC on your Windows Personal Computer.  Mac users look here



I have devised 6 different methods for you to utilize to install the software. 



1. Click the Software & Install Button (second button from the left) in the row of buttons at the top of every page in the site. Once you click the Software & Install Button, follow the buttons from left to right. 

2. Use the Site Map link at the top of every page (left of the logo) 

3. Use the Installation Steps above

4. Use the "One-Stop Shop" notes page.

5. Use the quick visual installation class instructions  PDF or PowerPoint

6. Watch videos showing and explaining how to install the software


If you would like to utilize your CAC to only logon to AKO or other CAC enabled sites (and not sign forms), consider using LPS (Lightweight Portable Security) and not install any CAC software on your computer.



Please utilize the contact page to ask Questions, offer Comments, Ideas, and / or Suggestions. 

This website was developed and is maintained by Michael J. Danberry
  I created this website because I was unable to find information showing me how to utilize my Common Access Card (CAC) on my personal computers. has been online since 9 November 2007 and has now grown to 107 individual pages of CAC related information and support.
I am the content provider for the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) CAC Reference Center.  I am not employed by AKO, I assist by answering emails addressed to AKO dot CAC at US dot Army dot mil and maintain the pages related to CAC.


You can watch my presentation from the AKO - Community Page Administrator Workshop (CPAW)


Army Times article about

Part 1  |  Part 2


This website is designed to primarily assist Army users using Microsoft Windows.


Luckily for you, and due to the similarities in the software, we are able to provide support for other Government agencies and Operating Systems as well.  Simply click the respective links below:


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Mac  Linux


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 If you have questions or suggestions for this site, contact Michael J. Danberry
Current Visitor Information  Visitor History
Providing assistance since November 2007.  Most visitors in one day: 3590 on 1 May 2012
Most visitors in one month: 85,418 in May 2012
Total unique visitors in 2011: 728,097




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Last Update or Review:  Wednesday, 24 October 2012 19:59 hrs


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