
Energy is an operational necessity as it is a foundational enabler for all military capabilities. Army operations span a diverse range of environments and tasks, from base infrastructure under lesser threat, to expeditionary operations and sustained campaigns in hostile areas. Supplying energy to these diverse missions is increasingly challenging. Constraints and threats to the supply of energy, water and other resources are growing in scope and complexity both abroad and at home. To address these challenges the Army is implementing a comprehensive Energy and Sustainability program based on culture change, increased energy efficiency, and development of renewable and alternate sources of energy. The Army is making these investments to ensure the Army of tomorrow has the same or greater access to energy, water, land, and natural resources as the Army of today.

U.S. Army Office of Energy Initiatives (OEI)

The Secretary of the Army established the Office of Energy Initiatives (OEI) on October 1, 2014.  The OEI will continue the ambitious efforts of the Energy Initiatives Task Force (EITF) which was established on September 15, 2011.  is an enduring organization within the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Energy and Sustainability (DASA (E&S)), which is part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy, and Environment) (OASA(IE&E)), the OEI will serve as the Army’s central management office for the development, implementation and oversight of all third-party financed, large scale (greater than 10 megawatts) renewable and alternative energy projects.

Net Zero Initiative

The Army’s Net Zero (NZ) Initiative is built upon the Army’s long-standing energy efficiency and sustainability practices. It is a strategy for managing existing energy, water, and solid waste programs with the goal of exceeding minimum targets, where fiscally responsible, to provide greater energy and water security and increase operating flexibility.

Operational Energy

Operational Energy (OE) is the energy and associated systems, information and processes required to train, move and sustain forces and systems for military operations. Army operational energy is a critical enabler for the range of military operational capabilities from the individual Soldier to strategic levels. Operational energy performance drives operational effectiveness through mobility, agility, flexibility, resilience and sustainability. It is an essential resource for supporting operational capabilities and performance. The Army OE strategy is to use energy to our greatest benefit through resilient capabilities and energy-informed operations.