United States Property & Fiscal Office


Systems for Award Management (SAM)

The Government has established a database, the System for Award Management (SAM), to act as a repository of information on all companies who are doing or wish to do business with the Government. Any contractor not registered cannot be issued a contract. To register click on the link below.

Procurement Opportunities

*All Notices are published on the Federal Business Opportunities Website and on the Army Single Face to Industry Web Site for actions above $25,000. To go to the web sites, just click on the signs below.

Federal Business Opportunities

For requirements publicized through GSA E-Buy visit:

Wide Area Workflow (WAWF)

In order for vendors to be paid, all vendors must now use an E-invoicing system called Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF). WAWF is a web-based tool used to electronically process invoices and receiving reports.
To gain access to the WAWF production system, contractors must acquire an account for their company and register their employees to use the system. There is no charge to register for or to use WAWF. Registration instructions and online training are available at https://wawf.eb.mil/.

Government Purchase Card (GPC) Program

The purchase card program is the Government's procurement method for purchases under $3,500.00. For more information, call Ms. Kady C. Fontenot at 601.313.1565 or email at kady.c.fontenot.civ@mail.mil  


All data contained herein is for information only and is subject to change. The data is for general purposes ONLY and SHALL NOT be used in preparation of any offer to the Government. In the event of discrepancy between the information shown on this Home Page and the actual solicitation documents, the actual solicitation documents and amendments thereto shall govern.
Revised: 4/20/2016 4:51