National Defense Center for Energy and Environment

The National Defense Center for Energy and Environment (NDCEE) serves as a national resource for developing, advancing, and transitioning technologies and processes that address high-priority environmental, safety, occupational health, and energy (ESOHE) challenges. Created by Congressional mandate, the NDCEE works to integrate ESOHE impact decisions into the life-cycle planning of DoD activities and weapons systems.

The NDCEE supports DoD technology advances through:

  • Research and Development.
  • Testing and Evaluation.
  • Verification and Implementation.
  • Technology Transfer/Transition to DoD Facilities.
  • Plus other services to hundreds of DoD installations, DoD prime contractors, and other governmental / private sector organizations.

Recent Successes

  • Successfully facilitated the implementation of an improved Army-wide environmentally benign, pollution preventing installation painting technique through an innovative technology solution under the Sustainable Painting Operations for the Total Army program.
  • Successfully structured the transition of a new technology system for the demanufacture, reuse and recycling of the annually generated millions of pounds of obsolete DoD electronic equipment.
  • In conjunction with the Army Environmental Quality Technology program, made available a technology transfer tool that will enable improved solid waste management.

The NDCEE program seeks to leverage both resources and results by coordinating the research, development, testing, evaluation, and transfer/transition of technologies among the DoD, specifically: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

To accomplish this, the NDCEE's mission is to:

  • Address emerging ESOHE issues and support the implementation of the Executive Orders policy and other DoD directives.
  • Provide reimbursable support to other DoD services for issues of specific importance to that command / agency.
  • Investigate via literature research, promising technologies in order to target the most viable prospects for testing and evaluation.
  • Demonstrate and validate emerging technologies in accordance with pre-established methods and processes.
  • Transition environmentally acceptable technologies, materials, and processes for the benefit of defense industrial activities and private industry.
  • Provide DoD training, symposiums, and technology reviews that support the use of new, ESOHE technologies.

To find out more about the NDCEE, please click here.

To find out information on partnering with the NDCEE, please click here.