United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VHA National Center for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention (NCP)


What MOVE!® Can Do For Me


A man eating a healthy snack
If you are carrying extra weight, losing weight and keeping it off can be one of the best things you can do to protect your health. Excess weight puts you at risk for problems like heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, sleep apnea and gallstones. The best way to manage your weight is to eat wisely and be as physically active as possible. MOVE!® and your VA healthcare team can help you at every step along the way to healthy living and a healthy weight

Am I overweight or obese? To find out more click here.

How To Get Started With MOVE!®


Healthcare TeamMOVE!® is a weight self-management program for Veterans who want to improve their health. The first step is to let your VA Primary Care team know that you are interested in MOVE!в.

Next Steps
  1. Your VA Primary Care Team will encourage you to complete the MOVE!23 Questionnaire. You can complete this at the VA, or you can do this now at www.move.va.gov/mov23.asp.
  2. The MOVE!23 produces a report based on your answers to help identify your specific needs. Print your report and take it with you to your next primary care visit.
  3. The team will help you set some initial goals such as how much total weight you want to lose, how much you want to lose each week, and your plans for increasing activity and decreasing calories.
  4. With your teams's guidance, you will choose from the support options available at you facility.

Your Choices for Support:

MOVE!® Group Sessions:
people participating in a MOVE! Group Session
This is one of the most effective ways to develop your weight management skills. Most programs offer a course of 10 sessions over serveral weeks. Working on managing your weight can be fun, lively, and a great way to learn from the healthcare staff and other Veterans.
Telephone Support:
man providing telephone support
Working with your primary care or MOVE!® team members by telephone
image a telephone home messaging system
Home Messaging provides daily written messages using a device connected to your home telephone.
Interactive Voice Response:
people participating in a MOVE! Group Session
Interactive Voice Response provides audio coaching messges using your home or cellular phone. Both versions of TeleMOVE! are supported by a Care Coordinator who monitors your progress and calls you as needed.
MOVE!® Telephone LifeStyle Coaching (TLC):
people participating in a MOVE! Group Session
In MOVE!® TLC, Veterans are given a workbook with lesson plans and exercises. A TLC coach will call you on a regular basis to discuss the lessons and support your progress.
Specialty Consultation:
people participating in a MOVE! Group Session
Some Veterans will need specialized diets, physical activity programs, or assistance from other specialists.
Additional Options:
Your healthcare team can help you consider more intensive treatment options if needed.