
Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness

Master Resilience Training textbook

The J9 Resilience Program is dedicated to the physical, emotional and mental health of Indiana Guard Soldiers, Families and DA civilians.

The core program focuses on helping personnel achieve and maintain a state of fitness, rather than addressing issues after they arise.

At the heart of the process is Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2):

"A structured, long term assessment and development program to build the resilience and enhance the performance of every Soldier, Family member and DA civilian."

Mission:Develop and institute a holistic fitness program for Soldiers, families, and Army civilians in order to enhance performance and build resilience.

Vision: An Army of balanced, healthy, self-confident Soldiers, families and Army civilians whose resilience and total fitness enables them to thrive in an era of high operational tempo and persistent conflict.


Performing and excelling in physical activities that require aerobic fitness, endurance, strength, healthy body composition and flexibility derived through exercise, nutrition and training. Resources.


Approaching life’s challenges in a positive, optimistic way by demonstrating self-control, stamina and good character with your choices and actions. Resources.


Developing and maintaining trusted, valued relationships and friendships that are personally fulfilling and foster good communication including a comfortable exchange of ideas, views, and experiences. Resources.


Being part of a family unit that is safe, supportive and loving, and provides the resources needed for all members to live in a healthy and secure environment. Resources.


Strengthening a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain a person beyond family, institutional, and societal sources of strength.


Understanding what financial peace of mind means for you can help you more clearly communicate with your spouse or partner, educate your children, and make choices that are in line with your financial goals.

An MRT is an individual specially trained to generate and sustain forces to teach resilience classes and to oversee resilience programs within their units. These Soldiers receive an Aditional Skill Identifier (ASI).

Indiana National Guard requirements are as follows:

  • Battalion Requirements:
    • 1 Master Resilience Trainers (MRT) per battalion and higher
    • MRTs must be DMOSQ at time of ATRRS submission
  • Company requirements:
    • 1 MRT required per Company or Stand Alone Detachment
    • 1 RTA per company-sized element
    • Duty obligation/stabilization for 24 months
    • E5 and above

State Resilience Coordinator: (317) 247-3300 ext 85471
Master Resilience Training Staff: (317) 247-3300 ext 85463 or 85429

December Resilience Newsletter pdf