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Mission of the Inspector General

The modern IG is an extension of the eyes, ears, voice, and conscience of the commander. The IG is a personal staff officer providing the commander a sounding board for sensitive issues. IGs are honest brokers and consummate fact finders. Their primary functions are training, inspecting, assisting, and investigating.

Colorado National Guard IGs operate within an environment consisting of the commander, the commander's Soldiers and Airmen, family members, civilian employees, retirees, and other civilians needing assistance with a National Guard matter and the IG system. They must be sufficiently independent so that those requesting IG assistance will continue to do so, even when the complainant feels that the commander may be the problem. Therefore, IGs must maintain a clear distinction between being an extension of the commander and their sworn duty to serve as fair and impartial fact finders and problem solvers.

Before Contacting the IG

Keep in mind that IGs are not policy makers and that IGs can only recommend, not order a resolution (only commanders can order; the role of the IG is to advise the commander). Give your chain of command a chance to solve the problem (IGs frequently address most problems to the chain of command for resolution). If IG assistance is needed, contact your local IG first (IGs at higher commands will normally refer the case to the local IG for action).

Filing an IG Complaint

Use DA 1559 (Inspector General Action Request) to file an Army National Guard IG complaint. For Air National Guard personnel, use AF IMT 102. If after using your chain of command your issues have not been resolved, please read, complete, sign, and mail, fax, or scan and email the signed form to the IG office along with any supporting documents. Complaints received by the IG are resolved using processes outlined in AR 20-1 and AFI 90-301. Anonymous complaints are accepted and acted on where sufficient information is provided.

All contact with an IG and/or member of Congress is a protected communication; complainant's can not be reprised against for making a lawful protected communication under T10, USC Section 1034, Military Whistleblower Protection Act; but be honest, and don’t provide false or misleading statements. It is a violation of the UCMJ and CCMJ (Colorado Code of Military Justice) to knowingly and intentionally provide false statements and/or false written statements.

Redress available through other channels

Many situations exist in which either law, regulation, or instruction provides Soldiers and Airmen a remedy or means of redress. Complainants must seek and exhaust the prescribed redress or remedy before an IG can provide assistance. Once the available redress procedures have been used, IG action is limited to a review of the redress process to determine if the complainant was afforded the due process provided by law, regulation, or instruction.

Other complaints that are ordinarily not appropriate for IG intervention include criminal allegations, EO complaints, issues that are not Army/Air Force related, and redress available for Department of Defense civilian employees through other channels.


Joint Force Headquarters-CO: LTC Callahan, State IG, 720-250-1033,

Joint Force Headquarters-CO: Mr. Prohaska, IG, 720-250-1034,

140th Wing, COANG: Lt Col Boylan, Wing IG, 720-847-9053,

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