
Indiana National Guard Relief Fund

Relief Fund LogoGiving Indiana Soldiers and their families a helping hand.

With all of the mobilizations going on in the military, including the Global War on Terror and Disaster Relief, it's becoming increasingly more difficult for military families to meet the challenges that come with these extended periods of separation. The Indiana National Guard Relief Fund, Inc. provides financial grants to Indiana service members and their families encountering difficult situations due to service members being mobilized, or during times of unexpected financial hardships beyond their control.

Overview: The Indiana National Guard Relief Fund is a private, non-profit, tax exempt corporation. It is not an Army or Department of Defense organization. Funds are not for use by the Army and Government can not dictate the use of funds. Our Mission is accomplished by giving funds to service members and their families for limited financial relief.


Indiana Army or Air National Guard Service Members in good standing are eligible.

If unemployed or underemployed, applicant must contact one of the following Employment Assistance Programs: Operation Job Ready Vets at 1-855-456-2732; IN Veteran Service Center at 1-844-480-0009.

(*Eligibility to apply does not guarantee a grant award. Application packet must prove a financial hardship related to deployment or unexpected event/s beyond their control.)

  • Meet Eligibility Requirements
  • Submit Written Application
  • Provide necessary documents requested
  • Not an emergency relief fund (Approximate processing time is 30 days)
  • Non receipt of pay
  • Medical, dental & hospital expenses
  • Utilities
  • Essential privately-owned vehicle
  • Dependant funeral expenses
  • Rent/Mortgage
  • Loss of income
  • Clothing
  • Fire or other disasters
  • Food
  • Unexpected repairs
  • Divorce/marriages expenses
  • Ordinary leave
  • Leases or purchases of a vehicle
  • Continuing assistance (same hardship, multiple applications)
  • Liquidation or consolidation of debts
  • Goods or items of convenience or luxury
  • Bad checks
  • Business ventures or investments
  • Court fees, fines, judgments, liens, bail, legal fees, income tax or child support
  • Civil suits/bankruptcies
  • Credit cards
  • Student loans/college tuition
  • Deployment in support of Global War on Terror
  • Duty Status Title 10 or 32
  • Prove A Financial Hardship Related to Deployment
  • Member in good standing
  • Any duty status is eligible to apply
  • Prove An Unexpected Financial Hardship Beyond Their Control
  • Member in good standing

Download a Relief Fund Application

You can also receive an application or request assistance by contacting a Family Assistance Specialist or call the Family Program Office at 317-247-3300 x73192.

  • If Granted: All checks will be made payable to the creditor/service provider.
  • Incomplete packets will not be considered by the INGRF committee.

Download a Relief Fund Brochure