
Judge Advocate General

The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate is dedicated to providing timely, accurate legal advice, services and support for the State of Indiana.

  • Services such as wills, living wills, notarization, powers-of-attorney, or other legal assistance are by appointment only. You must call ahead to schedule legal services: 317-247-3449. The office does not provide services on a walk-in basis.
  • Legal Assistance is available to members of the Indiana National Guard and their family members, retired military personnel and their family members, and survivors of members of the Armed Forces who would be eligible if the service member was alive.
  • Legal Assistance Attorneys provide advice on most personal legal matters, review legal documents such as contracts and leases (if they are not related to a private income-producing business), and prepare wills, correspondence, and other legal documents.
  • Legal Assistance Attorneys are NOT authorized to appear with you as your attorney of record in any court. (See the Trial Defense Services tab)
  • Issues on which advice is provided include automobile accidents, wills, credit matters, repossessions, consumer complaints, living wills, health surrogate forms, tax assistance, life insurance contracts, and powers of attorney.
  • The services of the Legal Assistance Office are provided without charge.

To provide specified defense counsel services for Army National Guard Soldiers whenever required by law or regulation and authorized by the Army National Guard Trial Defense Service, our higher headquarters. These services are:

  • Representing Soldiers charged with military criminal offenses at trial
  • Representing Soldiers during criminal investigations and before elimination or grade reduction boards
  • Counseling Soldiers regarding pretrial restraint, nonjudicial punishment, and various adverse administrative actions taken pursuant to military regulations

Indiana National Guard Trial Defense Services will also develop programs and policies to promote the effective and efficient use of defense counsel resources and enhance the professional qualifications of all personnel providing defense services.

At this time, our mission is to defend Indiana ARNG Soldiers in the following statuses:

  • Title 32 - AGR
  • Title 32 - SAD
  • Title 32 - ADSW and
  • Title 32 - Traditional Guardsman.
  • We do not represent ARNG Soldiers in a Title 10 status. ARNG Soldiers in a Title 10 status will need to contact USATDS for consultation/representation. We do not represent dual status federal technicians facing adverse actions that occurred while in a technician status. We do not represent USAR, active components Soldiers or service members from other services. It is our policy and practice to refer USAR Soldiers to the USAR TDS and Army Soldiers to USATDS.
  • Counsel and representation are not the same.
  • Counsel consists of reviewing documentation provided by a client, conducting research based upon law and regulation, and providing a legal opinion or advice to the client.
  • Counsel does NOT include in-person appearances, or speaking on behalf of the client to third parties.

Trial Defense Services will contact clients on a first come–first served basis. Please keep in mind that our resources are limited and there may be a short delay in getting back to you. We will work to reply to inquiries and requests for assistance as quickly as possible, and you should expect a response in no more than 7 days.

Call 317-247-3449  to reach a Judge Advocate Trial Defense Attorney .