
Sexual Assault Prevention

Sexual Assault
Response Coordinator

Office: 317-247-3300 ext 85475
Cell: 317-690-6650
Sexual Assault 24-Hour Help line: 317-247-3172

Alternate Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
Office: 317-247-3300 ext 85485
Cell: 317-697-2099

Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault, Service Directorate

To reduce and eliminate instances of sexual assault by fostering a culture that promotes victim reporting through advocacy and response, and holding offenders accountable ensuring a confidence that sexual assault will not be tolerated in the Indiana National Guard.

Click Here to view the 2013 Sexual Assault Stand Down training video, featuring retired Maj. Gen. R. Martin Umbarger, former adjutant general Indiana National Guard.

  • Call a Victim Advocate (VA), Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) or the DoD Safe Help Line.
    • Indiana National Guard 24/7 Line: 317-247-3172
    • Safe Help Line: 877-995-5247
  • Reporting an assault can be very difficult and you may have a lot of questions about what will happen after you report. You can contact a VA or SARC to help answer these questions. Calling a VA or SARC does not require you to file a report or initiate an investigation.
  • The VA or SARC are available to confidentially assist and support victims of sexual assault. They can facilitate medical care, immediate behavioral health care, long term support through local resources and provide information on reporting options.
  • There are two Military Sexual Assault reporting options: Restricted Reporting and Unrestricted Reporting. Definitions of these reporting options can be found at this link