


508 Compliance

In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act and strengthened provisions covering access to information in the Federal sector for people with disabilities. As amended, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires access to the Federal government's electronic and information technology. The law applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Federal agencies must ensure that this technology is accessible to employees and the public.

In compliance with Section 508, Joint Forces Headquarters - Indiana is dedicated to making all of our web pages accessible to all of our visitors.

This page provides links to some major private organizations involved with accessibility issues and to the public law and Section 508 requirements of the Federal IT Accessibility Initiative. These links are provided only to promote better understanding of the law and Section 508 requirements and is in no way intended to recommend the use of any particular source in preference to any other source or sources.

Anyone encountering difficulties reading any of our Web pages is encouraged to tell us by emailing the Webmaster. Please indicate the page URL and the browser or reading appliance used and a brief explanation of the problem encountered. If you are unable to email us, please use our Contact Us page and call us.

Useful Links