Warrant Officer Candidate School


wo_ranks.pngA Warrant Officer is the system and equipment subject matter expert who leads by example and by the quality of the advice and counsel he or she provides to senior leaders.

The complete Army definition is as follows: "An officer appointed by warrant by the secretary of the Army, based on a sound level of technical and tactical competence. A warrant officer is a highly specialized expert and trainer, who, by gaining progressive levels of expertise and leadership, operates, maintains, administers, and manages the Army's equipment, support activities, or technical systems for an entire career."

The Command Chief Warrant Officer for the Colorado Army National Guard is CW5 Matt Dorram. He is part of the COARNG Command Team and represents Colorado's Warrant Officer corps. Dorram is the senior Warrant within the organization and is responsible for the success of the WO corps.

Call Chief Warrant Officer 5 Matt Dorram at 720-250-1015 for questions that cannot be answered at the unit level or via the chain of command. You also may contact Chief Warrant Officer 3 Officer Jim Hopkins from the Recruiting & Retention Office at 720-250-1448. For more information, go to the National Guard (Virtual Armory) Warrant Officer web site or visit the US Army Warrant Officer Career Center.

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A Unique Leadership Position...

As a Warrant Officer, you can earn pay and privileges that are much the same as those of a commissioned officer, and more. As a Warrant Officer, you'll be an expert - trained to supervise and advise on technical matters that are necessary for success. This technical expertise will place you in an indispensable leadership position. Simply stated, as a military specialist you will become one of the officers other officers rely upon for continued mission success. You can have the authority to administer oaths, military justice and command units.

Don't forget the tangible benefits of the Army National Guard including a good second income and commissary shopping privileges. You can also save money on life insurance, receive a retirement income beginning at age 60 and fly free on a Space-Available basis anywhere in the United States including Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii.

Warrant Officer ranksBecome Part of a Long and Proud History...

Army National Guard Warrant Officers are highly specialized professionals, trainers and leaders, who operate, maintain, administer and manage the Army National Guard's technical systems, support activities and equipment. They are among the best-trained experts in their fields and they are some of the most respected professionals in the Army National Guard.

Since its origin, the role and requirements of the Warrant Officer have gone through many changes.The rank and grade of Warrant Officer began in 1918. At that time, they served in the Army Mine Planter Service in the Coast Artillery Corps as masters, mates, chief engineers and assistant engineers. With the Act of 1920 came the appointment of Warrant Officers in clerical, administrative and band leading activities. The reason was to "reward" enlisted men for long service and also "reward" former commissioned officers of World War I who lacked either the educational or other eligibility requirements necessary for continuance of commissioned status. Between 1920 and 1930, the Warrant Officer Program was finally instituted as an "incentive" rather than a "reward." As a result, the responsibilities of the Warrant Officer were greatly extended to include many of the duties previously held only by a commissioned officer.

Today, the title of Warrant Officer commands respect. They are indispensable players in the Army National Guard's unique mission - serving country, state and community. As the Army National Guard becomes increasingly technical and specialized, the need for Warrant Officers is increasing. But unlike the past when technical proficiency was the sole responsibility of the Warrant Officer, today it requires leadership qualities, managerial functions, and continued training and education to keep up with the latest technological developments.