
Substance Abuse

Mission:  Substance abuse is a manpower and personnel readiness issue that erodes soldier fitness.  The purpose of this effort is to deter substance abuse by providing prevention education and referral resources to ARNG soldiers and provide Commanders with the tools necessary to assess the security and military fitness of their Units.

People misuse/abuse substances such as prescription drugs, alcohol, and illicit drugs for varied and complicated reasons.
These substances produce some form of intoxication that alters judgment, perception, attention, or physical control and affect your ability to be an effective Warrior as well your family, finances, health, and career.
Substance abuse and its effect on service members is a high priority, high visibility issue within the military.
The Substance Abuse Prevention Program provides:
• Unit training and education, briefs, and presentations
• Self-Referral Services
• General information on substance abuse, policies, and available services/resources
• Unit Risk Inventories/Reintegration-Unit Risk Inventories

Programs for education, prevention and treatment are available to service members, including a self-referral program.

View these PowerPoint slide show briefings:

To speak with someone about substance abuse issues contact the
Indiana National Guard Alcohol and Drug Control Officer
Office: 317-247-3300 ext 85433
Cell: 317-439-5081
Email Substance Abuse 
    The Army Substance Abuse Program is a command program that emphasizes readiness and personal responsibility.
  • Commands personal responsibility in this program is drug and alcohol testing, early identification, mentoring at-risk service members, supporting service members during rehabilitation, and any administrative actions regarding separation or retention.
  • Resources exist for education and training of persons in position of authority who might need to assist service members experiencing substance abuse issues.

  • Commander’s roles and responsibilities pdf
  • Contact the local Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator for assistance and/or to schedule a training session with you, your staff and your unit.

Indiana National Guard Crisis Prevention and Intervention Team:

CIT OIC/ Program Manager (Crisis Intervention Team)
Office:  317-247-3114
Cell: 317-474-5240

SARC (Sexual Assault Response Coordinator)
Office: 317-247-3300 x 85475
Cell: 317-690-6650

DPH (Director of Psychological Health) Office: 317-247-3155