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Thank you for visiting the Community Support Operations Web page and for considering our involvement in your event. This program receives, evaluates legality, determines supportability and facilitates support for community events.

To increase public awareness and understanding of the Colorado National Guard's state and federal missions, all efforts are made to support legal requests for assistance, however regulatory guidance specifies the type of the support we may provide.

Instructions for requesting assistance can be found below.

A customer may be responsible for some costs of support. Reimbursement for support will be handled on a case-by-case basis. You will be notified prior to receiving support if reimbursement is required.



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 Contact Information

​Please keep in mind that the National Guard is mostly a part-time force training and serving our communities, state, and nation in times of need. In order to support an event, requests should be submitted at least 90 days prior to the date of your event. We try to fill as many of these requests as possible, however, operational commitments take priority and may supersede a request with little advance notice. All requests for assistance must be submitted on the proper Department of Defense form, which you will find listed above.

When requesting support from the Colorado National Guard, the required form(s) may be e-mailed, mailed, or faxed to: 
Colorado National Guard Public Affairs Office
ATTN: Community Support Operations
6848 S. Revere Pkwy
Centennial, CO 80112-6709
Commercial phone: 720-250-1058
Fax: 720-250-1059


 How to use the Request Process


Colorado Army and Air National Guard flyovers are currently limited under DoD restrictions (Exceptions to policy may be required on rare occasion).

When requesting an Air National Guard F-16 or C-21 aircraft, first visit This Web site will take you through the steps and questions that will generate the DD Form 2535. After completing this step you can print out and sign the DD 2335 to send to the Colorado National Guard for tracking.

Requests for Army aviation support, which includes anything using helicopter or C-26 aircraft (i.e. flyover, aircraft static display, repelling or parachute demonstrations) must be made with a signed DD Form 2535 REQUEST FOR MILITARY AERIAL SUPPORT.

The requester is responsible for receiving FAA approval and returning that approval to the Colorado National Guard Public Affairs Office and, for Air National Guard flyovers, to the Aerial Events Office. To find an FAA flight standards office in your area, go to:


You may request military participation other than aircraft; such as a military band, color guard, displays of military equipment, etc., using a signed DMA Form 2536 Request for Armed Forces Participation in Public Events.

As the requestor you are responsible for tracking the progress of your request.

Step 1: Complete the written request

For flyovers or air shows: Once the DD Form 2535 is submitted to the Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs ( a signed copy must be sent to the Colorado National Guard Public Affairs Office along with the SAF/PA request number (typically 12 alpha-numeric digits). The request will then be logged into the Community Support request database and begin the internal review process, if applicable. Please provide an e-mail address for further communications.

For static displays and non-aerial support: Submit a signed DMA 2536 form directly to the Colorado National Guard Public Affairs Office (Skip step 2).

A cursory review of your request by the Community Support specialist will occur before being forwarded for (1) Public Affairs Officer review, (1) the Staff Judge Advocate review, (2) the U.S. Property and Fiscal Accounting Office review, (3) and finally The Adjutant General of Colorado for final approval.

If your request is deemed not authorized by military regulations or unsupportable at this point, you will be notified by email or phone.

Step 2: Additional signatures and approvals for flyover requests

Once the request has been submitted to both the SAF/PA and the CONG/PA you must contact your local FAA representative. Upon receiving a signed approval from the FAA, you must fax a copy of it to SAF/PA at 703-693-9601, and e-mail a copy to the CONG/PA at or fax to 720-250-1059.

After FAA approval has been granted SAF/PA will process for approval, denial or request more information.

If approved by SAF/PA, the supporting unit or CONG/PA will contact you for the following information no later than 14 days prior to the event:

1. Direction jets should travel
2. Preferred time of flyover
3. Approximate Latitude and Longitude of centermost point of flyover (can provide street intersections, if necessary)

Step 3: Unit Acceptance

After being classified as an approved and supportable request, your request will be referred to a Colorado National Guard unit that possesses the asset(s) you are requesting.

Even though a request is deemed legal, support is still dependent upon the availability of personnel/equipment and it may not conflict with regularly scheduled training or missions.

Once the unit has advised the Community Support section of acceptance and ability to execute the mission, you will be contacted directly by the supporting unit. From this point, for this mission only, you are authorized to communicate directly with the supporting unit.

Due to high demand and limited resources, all accepted support requests are still considered tentative until executed.

Step 4: Event Following

As a condition of support, please mail or e-mail us a follow-up letter with the total attendance at your event and any feedback you have on the support that was provided, to include the handling and processing of your request.

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