Protection for private sector veterans’ hiring policies

Private sector employers attempting to establish preferred veteran hiring practices may be risking claims of discrimination.

Many companies would like to hire veterans because of their unique skill sets, proven work ethic and reliability, but employers may be hesitant to do so out of concern of being sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, Title VII, Section 11 of the Civil Rights Act contains a carve-out that exempts veterans preference processes authorized by state statute.

Best Practices

For legislative best practices on providing protection for private sector veterans' hiring policies, view Hiring Protection Best Practices (PDF).

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Issue Status Key

The composite rating for this issue is based on the following criteria:

  • Star
    Bill introduced and currently active.
  • Blue square
    State has made movement towards achieving desired outcomes; for example, established laws or policies that protect private sector employers from discrimination claims when offering hiring preference to veterans.
  • Yellow square
    State has not made changes that move towards achieving desired outcomes.