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Governor Signs Bill Waiving In-State Tuition for Maine Guardsmen, April 2016

Members of the Bureau of Veterans Services and Maine National Guard were joined by the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee during a bill signing ceremony at the capitol on April 14, 2016. The bill included provisions to provide free in-state tuition to currently serving Maine National Guard service members.

“This is a tremendous day for the Maine National Guard,” [the Adjutant General for the Maine National Guard Brig. Gen. Douglas A.] Farnham said. “The tuition bill will go a long way toward recruiting and retaining our Maine National Guard force and keep our talented men and women here in Maine where they belong.”

Click here to read the rest of the article.

11th Civil Support Team Training Exercise, January 2016

From the Maine National Guard Facebook page: "The 11th Civil Support Team (WMD) conducted an exercise at Great Pond Outdoor Adventure Center, Great Pond Maine on Tuesday, January 20.

The mission of Civil Support Teams is to support local and state authorities at domestic WMD/NBC incident sites by identifying agents and substances, assessing threats, advising on response measures, and assisting with requests for additional military support.

The scenario called for the Maine National Guard Unit to send a strike team via UH-60 Blackhawk to a suspicious cabin in a remote location to test for hazardous and potentially fatal biological or chemical weapons. The strike team makes a quick entry followed by the rest of the team for analysis and decontamination.

'We provide peace of mind for the people of Maine. We are a quick strike first responder, within 90 minutes the 11th CST can be out the door and anywhere in the state in just a few hours,' said 1st Sgt. Matthew Aseplund, noncommissioned officer in charge of the CST."

2015 Maine Marathon Tribute March

From the Maine National Guard Facebook page: "The families of fallen service members join the members of the Maine Army National Guard and Maine Air National Guard to honor fallen service members by marching in the 26.2 mile Maine Marathon Tribute march Sunday, October 4, 2015.

The march follows the Maine Marathon race course that starts on Back Bay in Portland and stretches into Yarmouth and back. It started 10 years ago to pay tribute to the families of the fallen. Marchers carried the bib number '95' on their rucksacks to honor the number of service members with connections to Maine who have lost their lives in combat since the beginning of the war on terror in 2001."

MENG and Pejepscot Historical Society Flag Ceremony

From the Maine National Guard Facebook page: "In a formal ceremony on September 16th, 2015 at the Cultural Building in Augusta, the Maine State Select Honor Guard oversaw a replica 1860 garrison flag returned to its owner, the Pejepscot Historical Society. The ceremony symbolized the return 150 years ago of Maine soldiers from the Civil War, when they would present their colors to the Adjutant General. The flag was commissioned to honor Joshua Chamberlain's posting of it in his Brunswick residence. The event was to pay proper respect to the flag, and to serve as a reminder that when Maine soldiers came home, it was a formal occasion. The Hall of Flags in the Capitol began as a result of this kind of ceremony (U.S. Army National Guard photo by SFC Pete Morrison)."

133rd EN BN HHC Chamberlain 8K Road March

From the 133rd Engineer Battalion Facebook page: "HHC 133 Engineer Battalion conducted an 8k road march [on June 18th, 2015], pausing briefly at the statue of Joshua Chamberlain to reflect on the amazing military and civilian life he led. Joshua Chamberlain, a Medal of Honor winner, commanded the 20th Maine Infantry and later served as the Governor of Maine."

2015 National Guard Annual Trainings

From the 101st Air Refueling Wing Facebook page: "United States Air Force Security Forces enlisted personnel from the 101st Air Refueling Wing take a break for some group shots during annual training, Jun 9, 2015 (Maine Air National Guard photos by Staff Sgt. Travis Hill/Released)."

2015 MMCN Conference a Success

Col. Andrew Gibson (left), a Maine Army National Guard chaplain, and Sgt. 1st Class Nathaniel Grace (right), community liaison for the Maine Military Community Network, hands a Maine veteran-made cane to Dr. Jonathan Shaw, a Department of Veterans Affairs psychologist who specializes in combat trauma, on [May 13th, 2015] in Orono.

Read more at the Bangor Daily News here.

133rd Moves into new Brunswick AFRC

133rd at Brunswick AFRC

From the 133rd EN BN HHC Facebook Page: "We are lucky to be the first of many generations of Engineers to occupy this beautiful facility. Many thanks to all the people who made this building possible."

Blaine House Tea and Recognition Ceremony for 2014 Christmas Across Maine Sponsors

Tea with the First Lady

See more photos from this great event on our MaineMFAC Facebook page!

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