Director of Military Support

Due to fiscal and legal constraints implemented by the Department of Defense in response to budget cuts, the Maine National Guard's support for non-emergency community events will be reduced for the foreseeable future. The Maine National Guard will continue accepting requests and will do its best to support when possible. Though reduced in scope, the community relations program will remain an important aspect of our service to the great state of Maine and we hope to continue this tradition of service to our communities.

Due to the increase in Military Support Requests and the time it takes to process these requests, we will no longer be processing requests that are submitted less than 90 days prior to the requested date of execution. We apologize for any inconvenience that this causes you or your organization.

Typical Support Requests

  • 195th Army Band (use request form below for band)
  • Static Equipment Displays (use request form below for display)
  • Honor Guard (use request form below for Honor Guard)
  • Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) Click Here to learn more about IRT

For IRT requests, the requestor must complete the application packet above and submit it along with the General Military Support Request form below.

Eligible Organizations

  1. Any Federal, regional, State, or local governmental entity
  2. Youth and Charitable Organizations:
    • The Boys and Girls Scouts of America
    • The Boys Club of America
    • The Girls Club of America
    • The YMCA or YWCA
    • The Civil Air Patrol
    • The United States Olympic Committee
    • The Special Olympic Committee
    • The Campfire Boys/Girls
    • The 4-H Club
    • The Police Athletic League
    • Any other youth or charitable organization designated by the Secretary of Defense

Ineligible Requests/Events

  1. Primarily fund raisers
  2. Events that are not open to the public
  3. For-Profit Organizations
  4. Please contact the POMSO if you have any questions about your request.

    • POMSO - CPT Scott Baker: (207) 430-5763
    • Alternate - CPT Robert Howard (207) 430-6776


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