Join the Maine Army National Guard Team

Recruiting and Retention


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The ARNG RRB conducts continuous recruiting, retention, and attrition management activities to achieve authorized end strength objectives and operational force readiness requirements IAW the State, Territory or District Strength Maintenance Plan.


The Maine Army National Guard Recruit Sustainment Program prepares you for the successful completion of Basic Combat Training (BCT) and subsequent MOS qualification. The program insures that you are physically ready, mentally prepared and administratively correct. Warriors drill with other soldiers within RSP before drilling with their assigned unit until successful completion of both BCT and AIT.


The first adventure starts here in your military career. This training takes 10 weeks and covers a variety of subjects. Remember the RSP program has already laid the foundation of these subjects, so you have the tools. You will learn weapon systems, military customs and courtesies, as well as getting you into the best physical shape of your life. Remember your best friend was once a stranger and you will make many of them at BCT.


After BCT, your next challenge awaits you. AIT, this is where the formal education piece of your military training begins. This is the course that trains you on the MOS (job) you chose in the National Guard. All AIT’s differ in training lengths, but once you complete this you are ready to head home to your unit of assignment.


All National Guard members attend training assemblies one weekend a month. In most cases the drill schedule will be made up for a one year period. This way you will always know when and where your next drill will be.


Every year your National Guard unit will attend an AT period. This AT period is usually held in the summer and is 15 days in length. During you AT your will use all your trained skills, both military and civilian, to complete this training.

Recruiting Battalion Location

Bldg 6, Camp Keyes, Augusta, Maine 04333-0033


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