Gentile & Associates, Inc

Gentile & Associates is a Pennsylvania-based company that conducts business on national and international levels. We have been in business since 1983, providing security services for public and private clients across many sectors. Our mission is to help clients meet their security challenges and minimize their risks.

Our security personnel are carefully screened and then trained to meet the highest standards. We created our own training institution, the Armor Security Training Institute, and have trained over 8,000 security officers. The training curriculum is rigorous and comprehensive. After initial training, security personnel receive site-specific, on-the-job training with an observation period followed by continued supervision.

Security officers know and understand from the initial hiring process that they will not serve just as “security officers,” but rather as a part of a professional cadre of specifically trained officers serving valued clients.

With our security solutions, you can trust us to have the right people, higher standards, and the better model.

Centurian Security

Centurian Security is a division of Gentile & Associates. Centurian is the brand that guides and motivates our security officers in training, first duty assignments, and long-term duties. Centurian officers receive ACT 235 training, classroom training, psychological exams, physical and child abuse clearances, and FBI and state background clearances.

When a Centurian Security professional walks through your doors or onto your site, you know you can have the security you need for safety and success.

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Primary Industry:


Secondary Industries:

  • Other Services (except Public Administration)

Business Types:

  • National/Global Employment Partners

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