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GLMRIS Brandon Road

Date Last Updated: 09/07/2016 15:35

Official Project Name
GLMRIS Brandon Road

Brandon Road Lock and Dam, Joliet, Illinois, Des Plaines River


Congressional District(s)
IL-11 IL-3

The Brandon Road Study was initiated in September 2014. Public Scoping Meetings were held, and a public comment period was completed in January 2015. A waiver request to exceed a study cost limit of $3M and schedule of 3 years was approved on April 6, 2015. The estimated cost of the Brandon Road Study is $8.2 million, not including the study scoping and coordination prior to April 6, 2015. The study is estimated to be completed by January 2019. The Brandon Road control point was identified in the GLMRIS Study as the only location that can address upstream transfer of Mississippi River species through all Chicago Area Waterway System pathways. Implementation of technologies at the Brandon Road control point was a feature of three out of six structural alternatives presented in the GLMRIS Study. The alternatives presented in the GLMRIS Study were described at a conceptual level of design. Further technical analyses and evaluation of possible control measures are necessary to determine whether there is a viable, efficient, and justifiable solution. The detailed scope of work for study efforts at the Brandon Road site includes a multi-agency study team, additional technical analysis and synthesis, policy evaluation, NEPA analysis, site-specific detailed engineering analyses, interagency coordination, and public comment, which must be accomplished prior to making an agency recommendation.

Issues The Corps of Engineers is evaluating potential control options and technologies at Brandon Road Lock & Dam to prevent the upstream Interbasin transfer of aquatic nuisance species (ANS) while minimizing impacts to Illinois Waterway uses and users and identify a recommended plan. If the recommended plan includes constructing a project, Congressional authorization would be required to move forward with construction.

Background The initial study to develop a range of options and technologies to prevent the spread of ANS, the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS), was completed in January 2014. The completed GLMRIS Study presented eight alternatives to control the transfer of a variety of ANS, each with a general location, conceptual design elements, estimated implementation time, and cost information, with a total 2014 estimated implementation cost ranging from $7.8 billion to $18.3 billion. In May 2014, the Assistant Secretary of Army for Civil Works [ASA (CW)] requested the Corps conduct an evaluation of additional study efforts that could be pursued based on the findings of the GLMRIS Study and in response to stakeholder input. In August 2014, the Corps submitted a Decision Memorandum to the ASA (CW) requesting permission to proceed with a formal evaluation of potential control technologies near the Brandon Road Lock & Dam. On September 29, 2014, the ASA (CW) directed the Corps to proceed with the planning efforts as outlined in the August 2014 Decision Memorandum.

Additional Information
Recent & Scheduled Activities
DCG-CEO Memo to ASA(CW) requesting approval for BRLD evaluation


ASA(CW) approval guidance


NEPA Scoping for BRLD, three public meetings


Public Comment Period Closed


Briefing to DCG-CEO on 3x3x3 Exemption


DCG-CEO Approval of 3x3x3 Exemption


Alternatives Milestone


Tentatively Selected Plan Milestone


Conduct ATR, IEPR, Policy Review, & NEPA Review


Agency Decision Milestone


Civil Works Review Board Milestone


Chief’s Report Milestone


Major Work Item (This Fiscal Year)
FY 2016: Continue development of a Tentatively Selected Plan

Major Work Item (Next Fiscal Year)
FY 2017: Complete development of a Tentatively Selected Plan, initiate the Agency Decision Milestone Phase initiating Public, NEPA, ATR, IEPR, and Policy reviews

Authority Not Assigned In System -- Section 3061(d) of the WRDA 2007, PL 110-114, as amended by Section 1538 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, PL 112-141

Project Manager Information

Name: Project Manager, Project Management Branch
Phone: (309)794-5399

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