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Family Program Office

National Guard Survivor Outreach Services


survivor outreach services eagle logo

Mission Statement:
The Survivor Outreach Services program will expand and improve services to Survivors, improve responsiveness, and streamline the assistance process for Families.

Purpose Statement:
Survivor Outreach Services demonstrates the Army’s commitment to Families of the Fallen. Survivor Outreach Services is a holistic and multi-agency approach to delivering services to Survivors by providing services at the garrisons and communities closest to where Families live.

The Maine Military and Community Network logo

Survivor Outreach Services Flyer

Survivor Outreach Services Brochure

GI Bill Information: GI Bill Benefits for Family Members

Winter 2016 Newsletter

March 2015 Newsletter

August 2014 Newsletter

February 2014 Newsletter

June 2013 Newsletter

February 2013 Newsletter

Coordinators Will:

  • Provide expertise on State and Federal survivor benefits
  • Work closely with the CAO to provide guidance and assistance to the Family in regards to benefits, entitlements and local resources.
  • Arrange for estate and financial advice when requested.
  • Educate the military command, community social services and support agencies of the needs of our military Survivors.
  • Form networks and support groups so Survivors will have peer support readily available.
  • Connect Survivors with appropriate mental health support/counseling as requested.
  • Supply Survivors with resource referrals for:
    • Peer Support
    • Bereavement counseling
    • Emergency financial services
    • Military legal assistance
    • Tricare
    • Educational benefits
    • Obtaining reports
    • Benefits Assistance

For Further Information

Please contact the Maine Survivor Outreach Services Coordinator:

Michelle L. Ouellette
Office: 207.430.5959
Mobile: 207.332.6804

Updated 1/28/2016