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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

How do I propose a PROSPECT Course?
Engineer Form 4713-R, Evaluation of Proposed Training Course

Note 1: Processing for ENG Form 4713-R has changed as explained below.

Note 2: Once you digitally sign your part of this form, it will lock out additional entries in that part.

1. Any USACE employee may identify a training need by initiating Engineer Form 4713-R (right click link and select "Save target as"), completing and signing Part I, and forwarding the Form to the Community of Practice (CoP) Leader/functional proponent. The Form contains instructions to help the originator determine the appropriate CoP/functional proponent to forward to.

2. The CoP Leader/functional proponent evaluates proposed training by completing and signing Form 4713-R Part II, to indicate approval or disapproval as a training requirement.

a. If the CoP Leader/functional proponent disapproves proposed training, he/she returns the signed Form 4713-R to the originator of the Form with no further action.

b. If the CoP Leader/functional proponent approves proposed training, he/she identifies a course proponent and forwards the signed Form 4713-R to the course proponent for review. Note: Proponent provides funding for new courses.
3. The course proponent reviews approved training requirement by completing and signing Form 4713-R Part III, and forwards it to USACE Learning Center (ULC). (Note: Using the 'Send to ULC' button in Part III automatically emails the Form to ULC Training Division Chiefs and QA/QC.)

4. ULC reviews approved training requirement, conducts research for training that may already exist, and assesses/recommends method of delivery (resident, distributed learning, or blended (combination of both). ULC completes and signs Form 4713-R Part IV, and forwards it to HQ CEHR-D.

5. HQ CEHR-D performs final review/approval as PROSPECT course requirement by completing and signing Form 4713-R Part V, and returns the Form to ULC to collaborate with course proponent to design, develop, and implement PROSPECT course.